PRESS RELEASE: Toby Mobbs brings along his music hero on new single ‘Coming Back To Me’

Singer-songwriter Toby Mobbs has done something that most musicians only dream of; asking a member of their all-time favourite band to play on their track. And they said yes.

The Australian alternative rock band Gang of Youths has been Toby Mobbs’ biggest musical influence after hearing them for the first time back in 2014. They’ve had such an impact that Toby’s latest single ‘Coming Back To Me’ was specifically produced with some heavy Gang Of Youths vibes. Midway through production of the track, Toby reached out to the band’s drummer, Donnie Borzestowski, to play on the single.

“It’s a surreal feeling having a musician you have respected for so long from a band you admire so much being a part of a song that they have influenced so heavily. I got confirmation from Donnie on my birthday last year. I think it will probably be the best birthday present I’ll ever receive.”
– Toby Mobbs

Mobbs is a pop-folk singer-songwriter from Albury, NSW. His latest single ‘Coming Back To Me’ is the first track of an upcoming second album titled ‘In Between The Words’ which has been a two-year project in the making. As a solo act, Toby is limited to his guitar and his voice, but it’s his recorded work that allows him to break out of the singer-songwriter style.

Toby is also known for putting everything into his tours. His 2022 national tour to promote his debut album saw him solo drive 14,500km in 28 days to play a show in every Australian state and territory.

“To me, if I call it a national tour, then I can’t skip half the country. As an independent artist it wasn’t an easy undertaking, but it was a goal that I had set and needed to complete.”
– Toby Mobbs

‘Coming Back To Me’ is now available to stream and download on all music platforms:

‘Coming Back To Me’ Press Kit:

Toby is available for interview via the following webform:

Media Contacts:

Name: Toby MobbsCompany: Toby MobbsEmail: Phone: 0421084230

About Toby Mobbs

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