PRESS RELEASE: When singer-songwriter Toby Mobbs books a nation tour he really means it

Tour tickets available here:
Toby Mobbs will be on the road for another national tour this October to promote his second album
‘In Between The Words’. What makes this tour unique is that he jumps in his car, drives 15,000km
solo over 28 days and plays a show in every state and territory, no exceptions.
“If I call it a national tour, then I can’t skip half the country. As an independent artist it isn’t an easy
undertaking, but once I set myself the goal, it needs to be completed”
– Toby Mobbs
This tour will feature local original support acts for each show, a keys player on select shows, and
end with Toby being backed by a string quartet for his hometown show in Albury-Wodonga to close
the journey. This kind of touring isn’t new to Toby. In 2022 he made the same journey over the same
28 days to play a show in every Australian capital city. His 2024 national tour will see him break
away from the capital cities and play to more regional areas.
This tour is to promote his latest album ‘In Between The Words’ which has been a two-year project
in the making. As a solo act, Toby is limited to his guitar and his voice, but it’s his recorded work that
allows him to break out of the singer-songwriter style. Toby was able to bring some big names to
this album including Donnie Borzestowski, drummer from Australian alternative rock band Gang of
“It’s a surreal feeling having a musician you have respected for so long from a band you
admire so much being a part of this album. It was a highlight of the entire project”
– Toby Mobbs
October Tour dates:
2nd Wagga Wagga – The Curious Rabbit
3rd Canberra – The Baso
4th Newcastle – The Press Book House
8th Cairns – Elixir Music House
13th Katherine – Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre
18th Bunbury – Regional Arts Gallery
23rd Mount Gambier – 5290 Bar
25th Geelong – Beav’s Bar
27 Launceston – Valentino Safe Co
3rd November Albury-Wodonga – The Lincoln
Tickets are now available here:
National Tour Press Kit:
‘In Between The Words’ is now available to stream and download on all music platforms:
‘In Between The Words’ Press Kit:
Toby is available for interview via the following webform: