PRESS RELEASE: New Hope for Sleep-Deprived Parents: ‘Asleep in 12’ Program Launches in Australia

For Immediate Release
New Hope for Sleep-Deprived Parents: ‘Asleep in 12’ Program Launches in Australia
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – 19 AUGUST 2024 – Nicole Ossip, affectionately known as Nanny Nic by her clients, has spent over 15 years transforming the lives of sleep-deprived families by helping their newborns sleep through the night. Now, she’s bringing her tried-and-tested method to parents across Australia with the launch of her new online program, Asleep in 12.
The Asleep in 12 program is designed to educate and guide parents in helping their newborns sleep 12 hours a night, in 12 weeks or less. With a proven track record, the program offers a solution to the debilitating effects of postpartum sleep deprivation, which can significantly impact the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of new parents.
Nicole Ossip, who specialises in neonatal education and who has worked with hundreds of newborns, challenges the traditional belief and narrative that newborns are too young to establish a routine or to sleep through the night.
“Parents are often told that newborns are too young to be placed into a routine, but that simply isn’t true. Newborns will learn what you teach them. The real issue lies in society’s acceptance of postpartum sleep deprivation as the norm and the devaluation of a mother’s mental health needs. I want parents to know there is another way,” said Nicole Ossip, Creator of Asleep in 12.
Ms Ossip says that the newborn phase is filled with misconceptions that keep parents struggling unnecessarily.
“Parents are led to believe that a baby under 6 months of age isn’t capable of sleeping through the night, that a baby won’t latch onto the breast if they are bottle fed or that newborns don’t like being swaddled. These common misconceptions get in the way of parents even seeking out sleep support,” says Nicole Ossip.
Her clients agree. “We were at breaking point, and this method changed everything for us. Honestly, this is the biggest game changer, it saved our sanity, our relationship and gave us a calm, content baby who sleeps from 6:30 pm to 6:30 am like clockwork,” said Matilda and Jack who engaged Nicole’s services for their first-born.
Previously, Nicole’s services were only available one-to-one. However, with the launch of Asleep in 12 online, she is making her life-changing method accessible to families across Australia, and globally, helping parents reclaim their nights and restore balance in their lives.
The Asleep in 12 program, priced at $399, includes over 40 easy-to-follow videos and step-by-step quick-reference guides, designed to make learning convenient and affordable for busy parents. Nicole also offers one-to-one support and an on-demand service for parents who desire the extra support and reassurance as they navigate the newborn phase.
For more information on Asleep in 12 or to enrol, visit or
About Nicole Ossip: Nicole Ossip is a neonatal educator and the creator of the Asleep in 12 method: the program that gets newborns sleeping 12 hours a night, in 12 weeks or less. Through her in-person and online offerings Nicole is dedicated to helping exhausted and overwhelmed newborn parents say goodbye to postpartum sleep deprivation, through safe, simple and effective methods.
Media Contact:
Natasha Lyubic
Business Manager
[email protected]