PRESS RELEASE: GDM Continues Growth in its’ Historically Proven Tenement Portfolio

Gold explorer, Great Divide Mining, today announced it had completed acquisition of additional tenements at its’ Devils Mountain project site.

The acquisitions extend GDM’s potential strike length at the site to 7.5+ km.

“At GDM we focus on historically worked sites,” said CEO, Justin Haines.

“A couple of certainties about our strategy,” he said, ”Firstly we know there’s gold there, we know that in the past it was commercial to mine, and it was commercial at way less than today’s $US 2600 oz.”

“There aren’t many certainties in gold exploration,” said Justin, “At GDM we do like certainties.”

The additional tenements provide GDM access to extensions of the known Devils Mountain historic gold mining area, as well as the Kilkivan gold and copper fields near the historic Clara Copper Mines.

“Importantly,” said Mr. Haines, “we’ve been able to now extend exploration works planned for Devils Mountain with minimal budgetary impact.”

“We’ve always sought to deliver value to our shareholders by working to deliver the so-called double bottom line. So, our focus on historically mined sites, known presence of workable gold deposits can be enhanced by modern exploration technologies and modern mining procedures.”

“There’s perhaps a triple bottom line too,” he said, “working on these brown field sites means we disturb less of the native environment and can then remediate the sites to modern 21st century environmental standards.”

“Seems a pretty complete package to me then,” quipped Justin.

Media Contacts:

Name: John KochanskiCompany: Great Divide MiningEmail: Phone: 0411831122


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    Great Divide Mining (ASX:GDM) GDM listed on the ASX on 25th August 2023. It operates four gold and base metal projects cross 12 granted Queensland tenements. It’s commercial model focusses on historically significant workings, leveraging brownfield permitting opportunities, utilising details of these workings, targeted in-fill drilling programs and the application of modern exploration and mining technologies. Recommissioning of previously mined sites delivers significant reduction in exploration risk and ensures the company minimises its environmental impacts. Its core values are to responsibly transition exploration projects to positive cash flow in efficient time frames. Contact: Justin Haines CEO e [email protected] m +61 (0)418 876 420