Workplace sexual harassment is trending in media and social media. It is a growing concern, but many organisations are not sure if they comply with the Positive Duty Guidelines in the Respect at Work Act 2022, and updated Work Health and Safety (WHS 2020) laws. Non-compliance can be costly in terms of legal/financial consequences, reputational damage, reduced employee morale, mental health and productivity.

EEO Specialists, a leading provider of workplace behaviour training, has stepped in by developing a Risk Audit Tool to help organisations assess if they are compliant. They are offering it at no cost to organisations as a part of their new EEO Compliance Hub. This Hub offers a suite of useful resources including legislative overviews, toolbox talks, factsheets, guidelines, updates, templates, videos, and more.

Unlawful behaviour is a major issue that is impacting workplaces across Australia. A report from the Australian Human Rights Commission estimates that it costs the economy over $3 billion a year. The report also revealed that 1 in 3 workers experience workplace sexual harassment, yet only 17% report it.

Some employers have risen to the challenge by implementing proactive plans which include updated policies and procedures, regular communication, organisation-wide training, and support measures for all staff. The EEO Compliance Hub is designed to support these initiatives.

Subject-matter Expert
Over the past 15 years, EEO Specialists has trained over 32,000 people from a range of government, private and non-profit organisations. Their founder Franca Sala Tenna is an experienced lawyer and acknowledged subject-matter expert on workplace behaviour legislation and compliance. They have developed the EEO Compliance Hub in response to the growing concerns about workplace behaviours and are offering free access to a section of the Hub.

Find out more about workplace behaviour laws and the significance of the EEO Compliance Hub. Franca Sala Tenna – M: 0405 134 187, E: [email protected]

Media Contacts:

Name: Franca Sala TennaCompany: EEO SpecialistsEmail: Phone: 0405 134 187

About EEO Specialists

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EEO Specialists aim to create safe and respectful workplaces by addressing issues related to sexual harassment, discrimination, and bullying. We offer a range of in-person training programs to help oganisations comply with current workplace legislation. Over the past 15 years, we have helped many organisations to implement proactive measures that have resulted in improved employee well-being, increased productivity, lower employee turnover, and enhanced reputation.