PRESS RELEASE: Are you a Grey Area Drinker? Here are the Signs

As one of Australia’s only accredited Grey Area Drinking Coaches, Sarah Rusbatch believes it’s important we change the dialogue around alcohol and get out of the habit of calling someone an ‘alcoholic’ or a ‘social drinker’. “In my work, the majority of people who have a dysfunctional relationship with alcohol are high functioning and don’t identify as being an ‘alcoholic’ but they are struggling to change their habits around drinking and it’s impacting them both mentally and physically”. What are the signs on being a Grey Area Drinker? Think of someone’s drinking as being on a scale of 1-10. 1 is someone who rarely drinks and 10 is someone with physical dependence, needing medical support to quit. Grey Area Drinking is in the middle – perhaps a 5-8 on that scale. Signs you’re a grey area drinker include making rules around your drinking, noticing alcohol impacts you negatively the next day but continuing to drink, drinking more than you intended or noticing you have more silent conversations in your head around alcohol.
Sarah has now supported thousands of individuals around Australia to successfully change their relationship with alcohol and subsequently improve their mental and physical health. Her overriding motto is ‘you don’t have to be an alcoholic to decide to quit drinking’

Media Contacts:

Name: Sarah RusbatchCompany: Sarah RusbatchEmail: Phone: 0451 055147


About Sarah Rusbatch

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Sarah Rusbatch is a Grey Area Drinking Coach working with individuals and companies to change the conversation around alcohol