PRESS RELEASE: Australian Citizens Party candidate Jan Pukallus campaigning in Fadden by-election for a national Post Office People’s Bank, stopping AUKUS and war

The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) has announced that its candidate in the Fadden by-election will be Mrs Jan Pukallus, who lives in Eagleby above the northern tip of the electorate with her husband Dennis.
Jan was born in Melbourne and as a teenager was Australian Judo champion twice, and represented Australia in Kayaking at the World Championships. She moved to Mackay at 21, where she was a postie, married Dennis, a pathology technician with Queensland Health for 39 years, raised four children and now has four grandchildren.
“My priority has always been raising my family, that was my passion”, Jan said. “Once the youngest ones were off to school it gave me more time to think about the future, their future, and that’s when I decided to get into politics. I was looking for an alternative and that’s when I found out about the Australian Citizens Party.”
Founded in Queensland 35 years ago in 1988, the ACP is a federally registered political party which consistently fights against financial corruption and for a banking and financial system that serves the people.
To hold politicians and the vested interests that control them to account, the ACP has helped agitate for and successfully achieved recent Senate inquiries into:
• Stopping the bail-in laws and the ban on cash;
• The sacking of Christine Holgate as CEO of Australia Post by Prime Minister Morrison;
• ASIC’s role in failing to protect elderly victims from the Sterling First financial collapse;
• Senate estimates questioning into the role of the RBA/ASIC;
• The Project known as Iron Boomerang; and
• The current Senate inquiry into Regional Bank Closures.
Jan is now the ACP’s Queensland State Secretary, and has spearheaded the ACP’s policy campaigns throughout the state.
Post Office People’s Bank
Jan’s campaign will focus on the ACP’s primary policy of reintroducing a national savings and investment bank (similar to the old Commonwealth Bank), in the form of a national Post Office People’s Bank.
This bank will direct the sovereign credit of the nation for the benefit of the people by providing infrastructure investment, well-paid work with fair conditions and high-quality government services.
The operation of the bank through the Licenced Post Offices (LPO’s) across Australia will guarantee basic banking and postal services to the millions of people that rely on face-to-face banking services, which the Big Four private banks are withdrawing by mass-closing their branches.
The People’s Bank will break the Big Four banking cartel and force them to truly compete.
“People think the economy is about banks, interest rates or the stock market, but it’s about the people within it and the right of people to live dignified lives and to provide for and look after their families”, Jan said.
No AUKUS, no war
Jan is also campaigning against the AUKUS deal with the United States and Britain, which so far is costing Australia $368 billion and is trapping us into siding with Americans pushing for war against China.
“We agree with the late former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser and former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating that Australia needs an independent foreign policy,” she said.
“Australians do not want to support a policy that could lead to a Nuclear War, with China, with Russia or with anyone else. We should be pursuing diplomacy and peace through economic development and mutually beneficial trade.
“Far from a threat to us, China is our biggest and best trading partner, with whom we enjoy an enormous trade surplus of more than $120 billion per year.”

Media Contacts:

Name: Fadden Campaign Manager Ian OliverCompany: Australian Citizens PartyEmail: Phone: 0422401495

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The Australian Citizens Party is an independent, federally-registered political party, founded in Queensland in 1988. It is committed to policies that promote the economic development of Australia for the benefit of all its people, not just the vested corporate interests which have too much influence over the major political parties. It takes its inspiration from the "old Labor" party stalwarts including King O'Malley, who fought to establish Australia's national bank, the Commonwealth Bank, and John Curtin and Ben Chifley, who used the Commonwealth Bank to lead the economic mobilisation that saved Australia in WWII. The ACP fought against the privatisation of the Commonwealth Bank, which has concentrated financial power in Australia in the Big Four banking oligopoly that gouges short-term profits at the expence of Australians and the nation's economic development, and is campaigning to re-establish a national bank, modelled on the old Commonwealth Bank, as a government post office bank which would guarantee face-to-face banking services, and access to cash, for all communities, and break the Big Four banking oligopoly.