PRESS RELEASE: Australian on-the-ground supporting neglected east Ukraine

An Australian volunteer currently in Ukraine is crowdfunding for essential items for residents and refugees in the east whom he says are being overlooked.

According to Queenslander, Andres Cordero, all humanitarian aid is coming from the west of the nation via Lviv and little, if anything, arrives in the east.

Coredro believes this is because they are “in the frontline”.

The province of Kharkiv where he is currently stationed sits less than 40km from the Russian border.

Kharkiv and it’s surrounds are being bombed daily and people are constantly being injured and displaced.

Yesterday, Russian forces shelled a region in Kharkiv Oblast and a fire broke out as a result.

Despite the Kharkiv Oblast being the third most populated province of Ukraine, the region is struggling to get essential aid.

Cordero’s work is to help connect the local residents and refugees of the Kharkiv Oblast with local organisations and, through the help of friends, distribute important supplies.

Cordero began a mycause fundraising campaign in June 2022 to raise money for essentials such as clean water, hygiene products and medical supplies.

The funds will allow Cordero to remain in Ukraine and continue to provide aid to a forgotten region.

Media Contacts:

Name: Deborah van RaayCompany: Deborah van RaayEmail: Phone: 0418659145

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my cause is an online crowdfunding platform for individuals, charities, and not-for-profits.