1. A detailed review written from an Australian perspective citing 94 peer reviewed published studies, confirms Covid-19 vaccines pose serious adverse health risks and doubtful efficacy

On October 25, 2022, PCS issued a media release stating recent papers present mounting evidence of unacceptable risks of the mRNA Covid vaccines. These peer reviewed and published studies and articles were attached to the release. A number of recipients have queried the veracity of these studies and questioned their findings, which clearly are at odds to the current rhetoric by government and its health officials.

PCS is very concerned that the accepted scientific process is being thwarted by parties that appear to have vested interests. Surely public safety must always be the primary concern, particularly when an experimental treatment is being mandated and forced onto many Australians. Valid science processes must be permitted to review and question the approval of a pharmaceutical product if evidence begins to validate claims of serious adverse reaction, injury or poor efficacy.

A recent peer reviewed study published in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology (Covid-19 Vaccines – An Australian Review; Vol 7 Issue 3: September 2022) again indicates that mRNA Covid-19 vaccines have a greater risk of causing a serious adverse reaction, resulting in hospitalisation and/or disability, than being hospitalised from Covid infection. This study is attached.

To date, many leading global experts in the field of immunology, epidemiology and vaccinology have raised serious concerns about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines, yet many have been vilified, de-platformed from websites and social media outlets and in some cases, even deregistered as doctors or nurses, denying the public from these dedicated health care practitioners. The attached study review notes that never before in vaccine history, have 57 leading scientists and policy experts released a report questioning the safety and efficacy of a vaccine, in this case, the Covid-19 vaccines.

PCS notes that the Covid-19 vaccines were provided with provisional approvals in three to six months based on incomplete study reports from the pharmaceutical companies developing these products. As the full details of these studies reports came to light, it was evident that the harm and poor efficacy was well understood prior to the product’s provisional approval. Yet after 18 months in the market place, after millions being forced to accept injection of these products, where significant mounting evidence of serious harm is evident, governments and their health departments continue to vacillate and add even greater exposure to the health risks these vaccines may present.

Accordingly, PCS calls on the Australian Government to immediately suspend Covid-19 vaccination programs, and launch and fully fund, an independent investigation conducted by reputable and qualified scientists that have no ties or allegiances to any pharmaceutical companies, into the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Media Contacts:

Name: Chris HartCompany: PCSEmail: Phone: +61 418 399 401

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Patrons of Chiropractic Science is a research organisation and registered Australian charity that focuses on Chiropractic clinical research, publication and review of peer reviewed studies and general public health matters.