PRESS RELEASE: Australian Top-10 Best Selling Author, Dr Robert Harris, releases a no-punches pulled look at a world in turmoil

6 July 2021
Australian Top-Ten Best-selling author, Dr Robert Harris, releases a no-punches pulled look at a world in turmoil.
Publicious Book Publishing is proud to announce the release of Dr Robert Harris’s latest book,
WTF Is Happening To Us? now available in bookstores and from eBook providers world-wide.
A work of non-fiction, WTF Is Happening To Us? takes us on a journey to the dark-side to witness first-hand the agenda of those who are attempting to take from us all that we, our parents and our grandparents, fought so hard to achieve.
We are being manipulated into believing that we don’t know how to raise our children, and that we are racists, sexists, misogynists, politically incorrect, undemocratic, unfeeling, and definitely ‘not woke’. These social-political antagonists are committing the unforgivable act of performing non-surgical lobotomies on the immature minds of our children and filling the void with confusion, fear and resentment.
And what are ‘they’ offering in its place? Turmoil, riots, death, destruction of property, insecurity, a philosophy based on lies and conspiratorial misinformation, and a return to a failed socialist system of equality for all that encourages people to stay at home and not work.
Offended by the title of the book? If this is what it takes to get people’s attention in a world suffering information overload, to get them to understand what they are facing and how drastically it will negatively change their lives if they don’t act to preserve what they have, then we who actively oppose this nuevo leftist-socialist movement, will have failed.
For more information see and
Dr Robert Harris, veteran (Malaya 1956), former Police Officer (Victoria; Papua & New Guinea; and the Australian Capital Territory Police Services), recipient of five medals, university lecturer, world traveler, practicing Chiropractor for forty-three years and author of eight books, reveals that:
“WTF Is Happening To Us? is a book I had to write. My books, all of which are non-fiction, are the product of my passion for cosmology, biological anthropology, physiology, sociology, and health. Above all, they embody what is my relentless search for the truth. With a sincere belief in the adage that our past defines our future, my literary expression is a reflection of my enthusiasm for history and how it has impacted and helped shape our lives and will continue to impact the lives of generations to come. We may well ask, ‘How will we be remembered?’”
Author contact: Dr Robert Harris
Mob: 0416763399
Tel: 02 66477477
Fax: 02 66477323
[email protected]
Publisher contact: Andy McDowell
Publicious Book Publishing
Tel: 1300 301 591