PRESS RELEASE: Book Release: After Bruegel. By Samuel McNair

Samuel McNair is launching his first picture book After Bruegel on the first of September 2021. The book is a humorous homage to the Dutch Master reflecting the politics and power in our time.
Illustrated densely as a kind of eye-spy for adults. Layers of meaning, dark humour, whimsy and wit collide in McNair’s hand drawn, digitally coloured monograph to Bruegel.
Following Bruegel’s example of illustrating proverbs McNair contemporises the 16th century Seven Sins print series in inventive ways. Each illustration is accompanied by the original from which it is adapted and a list of proverbs to find within.
Satirised in this book are the many powers and political figures of our day Xi Jinping, the Trumps, Putin, Murdoch, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Rhinehart, Morrison, Berejiklian, Kanye and many, many more all jostle in the visual melee.
This book is a time capsule reflecting the era as McNair sees it.

Media Contacts:

Name: Samuel McNairCompany: Samuel McNairEmail: Phone: 0432411198

About Samuel McNair

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Samuel McNair is an Australian illustrator, caricaturist and satirist. Sam works as a live entertainer doing caricatures at events as well as regularly contributing to various print media organisations. Sam has appeared on The Bachelor 2021 doing caricatures and runs a "how to draw" channel on youtube called "Cartooning with Sam". Sam's book After Bruegel launches on the September 1st 2021.