PRESS RELEASE: Community Assistance needed of National Thank a Cop day

In 2018, I met a depressed policeman in Macca’s, and during our conversation, he told me that the job was so full on with all they do and see (both good and bad/horrific) on a daily basis that it slowly wears you down. He also said that he felt unappreciated for their efforts but he accepted that was part of the job as many people have hissy fits over spending fines etc and overreacted to those events in swearing and aggressive attitudes.

I had no answers for him on the day and just listened but got to thinking about what can be done to make them feel better and improve their well-being. I wrote to all levels of government but they always answer with a political speel about what they do to recognize their efforts with medals and ceremonies ( don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for them doing that as recognition of service is valuable) but they can not think out of the box. Only the community can.

The police themselves have Police Week and display their talents to the public and remember their fallen sombrely and rightly so as they should never be forgotten.

I wanted something more aligned to a simple thank-you, without the extra dressing. Just ordinary folk telling them how much they are loved and appreciated for keeping us safe. the first National Thank A Cop Day was in 2019 and we have grown each year. It has the recognition of the Police Federation of Australia and this year we want it to be even better.

How better to do it than from the community as a whole? BONZA has resources that we had professionally done which are now on our website or you can email me and I will send them to you.

Depending on which section of the community you represent, could you please plan to do something to say Thank You on the 19th of September, National Thank A Cop Day? For example, if you are a radio station then you could run a competition for your audience to suggest the best way to thank them (be prepared for a small group of wags and whingers to be negative) on the day or you may just want to distribute a resource to our email list in your network so all of your members are aware of the day.

BONZA (Baby Boomers of NZ & Aust) sends flowers to the local cop shop with a thank-you note so do what you can. Pizza perhaps if you are in that business or a special sign/award from your school, display the resource signs in your business or just remind staff on the day.

Let’s make it as fun as we can and make them understand that we all get cranky about speeding tickets but when it comes to the crunch and there is an emergency then we always rely on them and really do appreciate that fact.
Brian Murphy

Media Contacts:

Name: Brian MurphyCompany: BONZA (Baby Boomers of NZ & Aust)Email: Phone: 0435603183

About BONZA (Baby Boomers of NZ & Aust)

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A community organization based in social media arenas to advocate for the needs of baby boomers. Formed in 2001