PRESS RELEASE: Coonambula Rocks

Great Divide Mining (ASX:GDM) today confirmed High-Grade Antimony and Gold at Banshee, a part of its’ Coonambula project.
“GDM’s focus on exploring brown-field sites just continues to deliver,” said CEO, Justin Haines.
Fresh from announcing its Adelong farm-in project at the national Noosa Mining Conference, the positive news flow from GDM continues apace – within 24-hours in fact.
“Our strategy has always been to grow the company from a pure explorer to an explorer-producer,” said Haines “yet we want to stay true to our core focus, so exploration will always be in GDM’s DNA.”
Geochemical samples within historical trenches along strike of the old Banshee mine workings have delivered anomalous Antimony at up to 23.9% Sb and Gold at up to 9.93 g/t Au.
“This fits in with another of our strategies at GDM,” said Haines.
“Dig once … Invoice Twice !”
Horizontal interval samples returned 4m @3.09 g/t Au and 1m @ 6.15 g/t & 3.1% Sb.
These update geochemical results will enable GDM to progress its’ plans for the Coonambula project.. GDM will now seek to link these results from old trenches with their surface Sb-Au mineralisation with previous drilling results to begin building a 3D model of the potential ore body.
As evidence of its commitment to the environment, GDM remediated these old workings and where necessary fenced off unsafe workings to protect site workers, any members of the public visiting site, cattle & native wildlife.
GDM Chairman, Paul Ryan, was heard to say at the Noosa Conference, “Every brown-field site GDM recommissions is another piece of the environment protected.”