Who would think that we are a nation that tolerates age discrimination, that makes the injured suffer more and fall into poverty?
But we do, and our two major political parties have refused to do anything about it.
As we hurtle into the last days of the Federal Election campaign one thing is abundantly clear, the electorate is heartily sick of the failure of our major parties to act in the public interest for the greater good.
Instead, they have put the interests of their party or their own careers first.
This certainly explains why we see the rise of the Independents who will have a crucial say in the election result and the direction of our future government.
On one issue alone our two major parties have totally failed and that’s age discrimination.
Only a host of Independent candidates and the Greens have said this must be fixed and now.
If you’re 65 or over and acquire a disability you are banned from the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Banned purely because of your age.
Instead, you will be thrown into the presently shambolic aged care system that is not equipped to care for them and where, if you managed to get even the top package available, you would receive just $52,000 for all your needs.
If you acquired a spinal or brain injury from a car or bike accident, or even a simple fall your proper care may cost anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000 per annum.
How many Australians have that sort of money to support their care and their continued contribution to our society?
There are several ways that our democracy is under threat.
There is little federal transparency regarding campaign funding and the rampant misspending of taxpayer money on pork barreling rorts. it’s a joke.
But surely, a democracy that tolerates age discrimination is also not a very good democracy, nor a good nation. We have put up with this age discrimination for a decade let’s not make it forever.
Make this one of the issues that will decide your vote.
Disability Doesn’t Discriminate but the Government does. Over 65 and You’re Out!
For more information on the Disability Doesn’t Discriminate campaign, please visit
MEDIA ENQUIRIES: National Campaign Manager, Mr David Margan 0407 637 181 (email [email protected]).