PRESS RELEASE: Does Christmas HAVE to involve alcohol?

Does Christmas have to involve alcohol?
Throughout 2023 there has been more and more information shared around the damaging effects of alcohol to our physical and mental health, government lobbies to have cancer risks placed on alcoholic drinks (in the same way as cigarettes) and “hard” versions of soft drinks being banned for using the same name. With the rise in alcohol free drinks and the ‘sober curious’ movement we have to wonder if alcohol is eventually going in the same direction as tobacco?
But then Christmas hits and once again our diaries fill up with social functions, work Xmas parties, end of year school picnics and carol concerts which all seem unthinkable without a glass of our favourite tipple in hand. So is it actually possible to navigate the festive season without a drink in hand? And still have fun? Grey Area Drinking Coach Sarah Rusbatch knows it is. “I’m heading into my 5th sober Christmas and it just gets better each year” she says. “No hangovers, no shameful regrets, no wishing the day away so you can either head to bed early or reach for another drink.”
Sarah shares her 6 top tips to navigate the Christmas season alcohol free.
1. Choose what events you go to and make sure it’s something you enjoy whether you’re drinking or not. Feel free to say No if it’s not something you really enjoy.
2. Alcohol Free drinks can be a brilliant tool to still give you a lovely tasting drink, without the hangover the next day.
3. Think about how you want to FEEL each day and consider if drinking the night before will support this or take from it?
4. Plan fun morning activities so you won’t want to drink the night before.
5. Plan your social catch ups outside of pubs – head to the beach, the park, a bike ride, a yoga class, a walk, a brunch or a picnic.
6. Think about the kids and what you’re modelling to them. Christmas is all about the kids and being present and engaged with them is so important.

For more information contact Sarah Rusbatch on 0451 055147

Media Contacts:

Name: Sarah RusbatchCompany: Sarah RusbatchEmail: Phone: 0451 055147


    About Sarah Rusbatch

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    Sarah Rusbatch is a Grey Area Drinking Coach, Author and key Note speaker who has supported thousands of individuals across Australia to change their relationship with alcohol