PRESS RELEASE: Global Consulting Firm TSA turn to UniPhi for their project portfolio needs

Sydney, 13th September 2019 – UniPhi (Aus) Pty Ltd (UniPhi), a Sydney-based technology company, is proud to be partnering with TSA in their journey to implement our project portfolio management platform, now referred to as ‘Athena’ following configuration and customisation to meet TSA’s needs. Since November 2022, Athena has been providing TSA’s clients with a higher quality of service, as well as giving the project managers more time to devote to achieving positive outcomes. Furthermore, the software will be integrated into other TSA systems to create a comprehensive framework for information sharing.

Kevin Brennan from TSA shared his perspective, stating “The extensive scope of the UniPhi platform left a lasting impression on us. Coupled with the expertise exhibited by the delivery team, we are confident that this project will deliver the substantial benefits identified by TSA. This includes generating comprehensive lessons learned throughout the software’s lifecycle, fostering knowledge sharing across the group. Ultimately, we anticipate that this knowledge will pave the way for cutting-edge machine learning insights into common project challenges, enabling our clients to pre-emptively address issues before they materialise.”

Mark Heath from UniPhi added, ‘Collaborating with TSA on this initiative has ignited a tremendous sense of enthusiasm within UniPhi. The professionalism, precise articulation of requirements, and unwavering support from senior management has been truly exceptional. We are eagerly looking forward to showcasing the tangible benefits that will result from this endeavour.”

We look forward to witnessing the growth and success propelled by Athena and can’t wait to see the positive impact it will have on TSA’s clients.

About TSA

TSA are a group of people who manage, consult and partner with industry professionals to radically improve public and private utilities and infrastructure through projects both big and small. Sometimes we help build, other times we advise. We always collaborate for an outcome with positive impact.

About UniPhi

UniPhi is on the front-line of innovative web and mobile solutions for project, portfolio and program management. The key difference, and the thing that makes UniPhi software unique, is that it supports all aspects of project work. UniPhi engages with all members of a project in a collaboration perspective, creating a common platform for hard data to meet conversations leading to smoother issues resolution while eliminating reporting burdens.

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Contact Mark Heath
Managing Director
Mobile: 0411 642 013
Phone: 1300 79 48 68
Email: [email protected] Karen Heath
Marketing Manager
Mobile: 0422 788 149
Phone: 1300 79 48 68
Email: [email protected]

Media Contacts:

Name: Karen HeathCompany: UniPhi (Aus) Pty LtdEmail: Phone: 0422788149

About UniPhi (Aus) Pty Ltd

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UniPhi Australia produces innovative web and mobile based solutions to alleviate the pressure and provide greater real time clarity for an organisation to effectively manage their portfolio of projects. The significant benefits are; reducing administration overheads, improving time, cost, and resource management supporting effective roll out and tracking of complex and major projects. UniPhi functions as both a commercial management and project controls tool. UniPhi's team has signifcant knowledge of the industry sector requirements it supports to enable quick deployment of the system with robust processes for the key client requirements. UniPhi enables effective collaboration of the project team at any level, with a tiered user pricing structure and PCG reporting capabilities. At an executive level UniPhi provides customised reporting capabilities with dashboard functionality, facilitates contract management that limproves communication and informaiton sharing between contractors, engineers and their relevant PCGs or CSPM teams. More simply put all stakesholders are uniformly updated in real time. A final key feature is it's capacity to reduce "software clutter" by being the multi functional software tool to remove many other programs and interface with remaining required programs such as accounting software. UniPhi becomes the "Project Bible of Truth" across that entire project requirements from Risk to Compliance to Costs etc. UniPhi software includes: A core web application covering all modules integrated into one simple user interface Mobile apps for Android and iOS enable remote access to documents and issues Plugins to the Microsoft Office suite including MS Outlook Integration with a variety of applications including Accounting, CRM and PM Systems This range of functionality presented through a cloud based architecture that allows for anywhere access (including offline through mobile apps) frees up time and space to work wherever they need to be and are most productive.