PRESS RELEASE: Goulburn Is Hiring – Addressing staff shortages in Goulburn

The Capital Region Local Jobs Program, in partnership with Goulburn Mulwaree Council, has launched a hiring campaign to recruit workers into roles across Goulburn. The “Goulburn Is Hiring” campaign runs to the end of April 2023, and will give businesses the opportunity to promote the positions they need filled, with the Local Jobs Program matching jobseekers into those roles.
“Staff shortages is a significant challenge for many businesses right now” said Marcus Caldwell, Employment Facilitator for the Capital Region. “The Goulburn Is Hiring Campaign aims to ease some of the pressure on businesses by better connecting jobseekers into these available jobs”.
Businesses that need staff are asked to visit the campaign website to pledge the jobs they need filled. The Team at the Local Jobs Program will then work with employment service providers and other jobseeker organisations to match people into these roles. All pledged jobs will also be posted to the jobs board of the campaign website and promoted heavily across the region.
The campaign is encouraging jobseekers to consider a career in sectors such as construction, hospitality and community services, where workforce shortages are greatest.
“Construction, hospitality and community services are booming sectors with enormous opportunity to learn new skills and secure solid employment” said Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Economic Development Manager, Danae Vitnell. “If you’re a jobseeker, student, or existing worker looking for extra hours, you should seriously consider a job or career in these sectors”.
If you’re looking for work, you should visit the campaign website where you can view and apply for roles pledged under the campaign.
For more information about the campaign, visit the campaign website (, email [email protected], or call Andrew Wales (Capital Region Local Jobs Program) on 0497 832 330.