PRESS RELEASE: Ground-breaking program, based on science but promoting play, shows families how to engage with nature, not screens.

06 October 2022

Ground-breaking program, based on science but promoting play, shows families how to engage with nature, not screens.


{Perth, Western Australia} – Nature Play WA and The ORIGINS Project have joined forces, with the support of Minderoo, to pilot a program that aims to address the concerning trend for unhealthy behaviours in young children, which can contribute to long-term lifestyle habits.

Nature Play WA CEO Dr Kelsie Prabawa-Sear said the intention of the Nature Play & Grow project was to help families unlock the mental and physical health benefits of connecting with nature and community through outdoor play, easily, and locally.  

“This program is essentially a hybrid between a play date, a parenting course, and a community group,” Dr Prabawa-Sear said.

“It is grounded in fun, social, activity, but it is also informed by research and useful parenting information that can help set the scene for making local outdoor play a big part of families’ lives. It is about empowering families with information, with hands-on experience, with knowledge of their local area, and by building relationships with other families.”

There is strong evidence that time in nature is associated with better child health including improved physical activity, eating behaviours, sleep quality and all aspects of physical and mental well-being.

Dr Lisa Gibson, researcher with The ORIGINS Project – a collaboration between Telethon Kids Institute and Joondalup Health Campus – said the early intervention program provided young families with ideas and choices for how they can spend time together, with ideas based on this evidence.

“The program steers families towards fun and interactive experiences, what we’re calling green time, and away from sedentary activities on devices – screen time,” she said.

There has been a significant shift from active, outdoor nature-based activities to more passive screen-based indoor activities — with an associated rise in psychological disorders, chronic disease, and a disconnect from the natural environment.

“This is a real concern for many young families, who don’t realise the significance of the impact this may be having on their young kids and the unhealthy habits that are being established,” Dr Gibson said.

As part of the assessment of the efficacy of the program the ORIGINS team are also collecting stool samples from participant families to assess the impact the increased time in nature is having on their microbiome – their gut health – as well as their wellbeing.

“Combining the experience and expertise of Nature Play WA, with the science of ORIGINS within this program is what makes it so unique, as it is helping families on a number of levels,” Dr Gibson said.

The Minderoo Foundation is supporting the pilot project, recognising the importance of nature-connectedness for young kids.

Minderoo Foundation Thrive by Five Director Jay Weatherill said, “Thrive by Five is thrilled to support such an important program. We strongly believe that the environment itself can be an important teacher.”

“Feedback from our participant families so far has been so positive,” Dr Prabawa-Sear said. “We are hoping to be able to roll this program out within the community on a much larger scale.”


About Nature Play & Grow

The outdoor group sessions have been designed with a specific focus each week, across an eight-week program, but also contribute to some overarching themes and understandings:

Develop a community (participate, engage, and communicate)

Develop a connectedness to nature (awareness of, responsibility toward, enjoyment of nature and specific places)

Develop healthy ways of living and sustainable practices (reduce, reuse, recycle)

Develop a playful mindset (be conscious of responses e.g., what to say instead of “be careful”)

The children will:

Develop lifelong habits or dispositions (creativity, curiosity, confidence, enthusiasm, endurance, independence, persistence, resilience, imagination, problem-solving) to take care of themselves independently and be engaged, motivated and contributing community members

Develop an explorative mindset

Engage with their senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell)

Engage with nature

Develop social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language skills

Develop risk assessment skills and safety sense (what’s safe to explore)

Participants are asked to complete an online questionnaire and watch weekly podcasts, presented by child health and development experts, as well as provide stool samples for analysis.

A Collaboration

The Nature Play & Grow program is delivered in partnership between Nature Play WA, The ORIGINS Project, Telethon Kids Institute, Joondalup Health Campus, and Minderoo Foundation.

Nature Play WA – a Western Australian not for profit organisation, in partnership with the Department of Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries, with a mission to support children’s mental and physical health through unstructured outdoor play.

The ORIGINS Project – a collaboration between Telethon Kids Institute and Joondalup Health Campus, it is the largest study of its kind in Australia. ORIGINS is following 10,000 families over a decade, collecting data and biological samples from pregnant women, their partners and children to explore the impact the early environment and microbiome can have on the development of chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes, and obesity.

Minderoo Foundation – a modern philanthropic organisation seeking to break down barriers, innovate and drive positive, lasting change. A key initiative is the Thrive by Five program which increases awareness around the importance of a child’s early years and empower parents and caregivers to give children the best start in life.

Available for interview and photograph:

Participant family – Mum and three-year old daughter

Dr Kelsie Prabawa-Sear, CEO Nature Play WA

Dr Lisa Gibson, Chief Investigator The ORIGINS Project

Media Contact:

Katherine Healy
Strategic Communications and Campaigns
Nature Play WA
[email protected]

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Media Contacts:

Name: Katherine HealyCompany: Nature Play WAEmail: Phone: +61433824874

About Nature Play WA

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Nature Play WA - a Western Australian not for profit organisation, in partnership with the Department of Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries, with a mission to support children’s mental and physical health through unstructured outdoor play.