PRESS RELEASE: Help for Australian babies in agony: Lufti – gaspasser for newborns

Little green tube Lufti has already helped 1000s of babies worldwide
The problem:
Around half of all babies suffer from colic or constipation. As a result new parents often see their loved ones in agony due to strong belly pain and cramps caused by trapped air and ‘solids’. Wind is something that affects most babies at some time or another and usually comes from swallowing air while they are feeding or crying. The air gets trapped in their tiny tummies and babies are too little to get rid of this air themselves. Add to that an immature digestive tract that’s still getting used to all that milk and we are heading towards a gassy disaster.
The dated solution:
Parents usually give their suffering newborn medicine like colic drops or ‘Gripe water’ which is a generic term for liquids that claim to ease gas, digestion and other ‘colicky’ symptoms.
The natural solution:
Modern parents are looking for an organic alternative to medications. This is where Lufti comes in, literally: these soft and pliable baby health catheters are gently inserted into baby’s bottom to help provide immediate, safe, and natural relief from gas, indigestion, or bloating. The hollow tube features a rounded tip that is long enough to reach past the muscle that prevents the release of the gas, and also has a stopper to prevent an insertion too far.
The Lufti is designed specifically for this purpose and cannot harm baby if used as instructed. Endorsed by pediatric professionals, trusted by midwifes and TGA registered, the Lufti is the natural solution for any gas-related problems as it works instantly and does not require ingestion of any medicine.
Lufti is available at and on amazon worldwide.
Fun fact: ‘Luft’ means ‘Air’ in German.
Even Funnier fact: BlissBaby has received multiple requests for an ‘adult’ version of Lufti 🙂