Sir Ray Avery CEO and Founder of the HELPatHAND Charitable Trust Australia says that many of the proposed strategies to prevent gender-based murders in Australia will make little difference to prevent innocent women from being murdered.

By way of example some have recommended extending the timeline for Family Violence orders to prevent further victim harm by legally restricting the offender from making contact with the victim for more than fourteen days to an unspecified period of time will have no impact on reducing murders.

Sir Ray say’s “In our experience when a woman says she is leaving an abusive relationship this is where the most violent assaults occur.

The victim may be placed in “safe” emergency housing, but the perpetrator will use every means at his disposal to find out where the woman is, even if he is subject to a Family Violence restraining order.
This may be by contacting family and friends or the children’s school or by stalking the woman and these guys don’t give a wallaby’s rectum about having a restraining order placed upon them with most offenders breaching their Family Violence orders and many repeatedly.”

The end game here is to protect women who have been brave enough to leave an abusive relationship, despite the efforts of their partners to pursue them, and allow them and their family to get on with their lives in the general community free from the fear of further abuse.

We have developed a wearable personal emergency response technology that allows us to monitor the safety and track the movements and wellbeing of victims of family and sexual violence 24/7 and in the event that they need urgent assistance help is just the press of a silent alarm button away.

A simple press of a button connects the victim with our call center and starts recording what is happening in real time and then alerts the Police by a Priority 1 emergency response and typically Police arrive at the scene via GPS Tracking of the victim within a few minutes.

The recordings of actual events is also a game changer when it comes to Family and Sexual Violence prosecutions because the victim’s true nature may be manifest in in court.

The “real time” recordings which may include “threatening to kill statements” compared to the defendant wearing a nice jacket in court saying, “I never said that, and I regret that I hit her, but I am a changed man”.

It is also a highly effective prevention tool and increases connectivity with the victim and family violence protection advocates, Police and ethnic community groups.

It prevents perpetrator reoffending, improves safety and security and improved mental health outcomes for victims and forward-facing Family violence protection advocates that look after them.

It reduces Police “on site “attendance times when completing Family and Sexual violence reports.

Does not require any regional infrastructure HR or admin costs as the program is rolled out using existing agencies, Police and ethnic community groups.

Sir Ray Says, “we have a proven family violence victim prevention initiative and have already partnered with a number of family violence prevention community groups across Australia and for many victims we provide this service for free.

Rolling out the HelpatHand program Nationwide in Australia can save many women’s lives”

For media contacts

Sir Ray Avery GNZM

HelpatHand Founder and CEO
Mobile 0415078436

Media Contacts:

Name: Sir Ray AveryCompany: HELPATHAND TRUSTEmail: Phone: +61415078436