PRESS RELEASE: It’s time humanity ended Putin’s sovereign rape of Ukraine: A Clinical Psychologist’s perspective

In all but the most perverted of nations, there are significant legal consequences for terrorists, murderers, rapists and thieves. The sovereign rape of Ukraine (or any nation on Earth) should be no different.

Civil societies don’t permit dangerous war criminals to unjustly roam free. Russia’s political and military leaders must be legally held to account for their inordinate war crimes in Ukraine. For humanity is as secure as the inhumanity it collectively accepts.

Global leaders either hold each other to a higher standard of ethical and enforceable conduct or they risk humanity’s decompensation into barbarity, injustice, corruption and falsehood.

Ukraine’s National News Agency, Ukrinform, reports more than 60,000 war crimes have been registered since President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

Destruction of critical infrastructure (transport, water, power), industry and community assets stands at over $US 140 billion. Damage to the environment is estimated to be more than $US 41 billion. Ukraine is believed to be the most mined country on Earth.

Around 150,000 residential buildings have been either damaged or destroyed since Russia’s invasion, including more than 17,500 apartment blocks. Around 2.4 million Ukrainians live in war damaged homes, many without basic amenities.

More than 3,000 educational, 1,100 medical and 1,300 cultural, sports, tourist and religious facilities have been either damaged or destroyed. The New York Times reported Russian forces have looted tens of thousands of pieces of art, purportedly the greatest art heist since Nazi Germany during World War II.

Eight million Ukrainian refugees are displaced across Europe, 6-7 million are internally displaced and 2 million Ukrainians, including children are reported to have been deported to Russia. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) estimates 18 million Ukrainians are in need of humanitarian assistance from a total population of 44 million.

There is no humanity in inhumanity, justice in injustice or compassion in cruelty.

Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine has highlighted the global community’s enduring failure to safeguard humanity from a minority of leaders who use war to impose their deluded ideology. Moving forward, better checks and balances are needed.

Global citizens shouldn’t be hostage to humanity’s lowest forms of expression, irrespective of a nation’s perceived greatness. Neither should the mental stability of leaders be assumed nor the lethal consequences of their barbarity be underestimated.

Many nations have adopted either a “Goldilocks” approach to their military support of Ukraine or they choose to “see no evil”. To date, Ukraine has received enough weapons to keep Russia ensconced in a protracted, costly and morally bankrupt war, but not so much help that they risk Putin ordering a strike on Europe’s emerald cities.

Those nations who’ve provided limited military support to Ukraine should remember the millions who selflessly gave their lives during WWII, so that their citizens may enjoy present day freedoms.

While Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine, nations continue to indirectly assist Russia in its killing fields. They trade in Russia’s blood energy products, which finances a brutal assault on Ukrainian civilians, lives and property. It’s perverted that Russia can repeatedly launch cruise missiles with impunity and without consequence, from its warships in the Sea of Azov and military bases inside Russia.

Russians are collectively responsible for the actions of its political and military leaders in Ukraine. Current sanctions upon Russia aren’t commensurate with the destruction, displacement and despair experienced by Ukrainians on a daily basis. For example, Russians freely travel and play international sport.

Putin yearns for a Czarist imperial Russia that has long past. A time in human history, when 100 million peasants worked small plots of land in abject poverty, while paying high rents to a kleptocracy of privileged elites. It’s a future most Ukrainians don’t want nor do millions of Russians who’ve migrated during Putin’s presidency.

Strong arm leaders who create a fear-based culture, tend to receive decision making information that they want rather than need to hear. This sets them on a politically fateful trajectory, where frank and fearless advice is neither sought nor offered. They can blindly herald their own demise, although steadfastly rail against opposing ideologies, rather than assume personal responsibility.

In 1900, there existed 78 sovereign nations globally – a consequence of colonisation. That number has quickly risen to 193 independent nations recognised at the United Nations.

In a multipolar world, global winds strongly fan diverse expressions of humanity and sovereignty. Nations of secure identity are neither threatened nor diminished by individual or sovereign differences, which peacefully and lawfully co-exist.

Dr Michael Walton, Clinical Psychologist, New South Wales, Australia

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Name: Dr Michael WaltonCompany: Dr Michael WaltonEmail: Phone: 0402 152 829


    About Dr Michael Walton