PRESS RELEASE: Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s annual Sustainable Cities Awards are back with a bang in 2022!

It’s that time of year again! Mark your calendars for Tuesday 11 October, as this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss – the announcement of KAB NSW’s Sustainable Cities 2022 Award Winners!
Our reigning champions of the 2021 Awards, City of Canada Bay will be generously hosting and sponsoring the prestigious event at Oliveto Ristorante & Bar located in Brays Bay Reserve, 443 Concord Rd, Rhodes, with the help of co-sponsor NSW EPA.
These iconic awards are all about celebrating the projects developed by metropolitan councils and community groups that prioritise and continually strive for sustainability. Of course, this includes all the things that first come to mind when you think of sustainability, like reducing litter, minimising waste, encouraging recycling, switching to renewables, and promoting waste-less lifestyles, which are undeniably important.
But the projects that are truly sustainable go a few steps further and practice sustainability by promoting heritage, culture and biodiversity! Projects that engage and collaborate with individuals, community groups, schools, business, industry, and local government are harnessing something special, something that unites us and motivates us to push through those barriers. Of course, we are talking about community spirit!
City of Canada Bay’s Mayor, Angelo Tsirekas, shares with us some insight as to what makes a truly sustainable city.
“The City of Canada Bay is home to 36 kilometres of beautiful foreshore along the Parramatta River and more than 150 parks that we work with our community to protect and enhance.
Winning the 2021 Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Overall Sustainable Cities Award recognised our ongoing leadership in sustainability and reflects the work we are doing locally to care for our natural environment and build a more climate resilient City.
We have continued to deliver innovative waste projects and services, along with programs to support biodiversity and build our urban canopy, and from 1 July this year began purchasing 100% renewable electricity.
We look forward to hosting the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Sustainable Cities Awards in the City of Canada Bay in 2022.”
Keep an eye out on the KAB NSW socials from 12:15pm on the day to stay up to date with live award announcements!
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Val Southam, Chief Executive Officer KABNSW at, (m) 0419 016 401.
About the KABNSW Sustainable Cities Awards
The Sustainable Cities Awards Program celebrate and encourage councils and communities that are pioneering the path towards a sustainable future.
Since 1994, projects that not only enhance the environment but also improve the standard of living and well-being of urban communities have been a hallmark of the activities recognised by these awards.
That so many of our entries this year have tackled the most pressing environmental issues for our cities is a true testament to the relevance and importance of the Program in incentivising and celebrating those who achieve great outcomes for their communities and the environment.
Keep Australia Beautiful NSW (KABNSW) is the state’s premier organisation for litter reduction and environmental sustainability. Independent and not-for-profit, our focus is to engage communities and collaborate with industry, businesses, state and local government to promote sustainable behaviour changes for the future prosperity of our State.
Keeping Australia beautiful is about more than keeping litter out of our environment and over a 40-year history our programs have adapted to incorporate all aspects of sustainability. We have built a state-wide network of dedicated individuals, businesses, schools, community groups and government bodies striving to deliver a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
Through five core programs we work with communities across regional, metropolitan, and coastal NSW to educate and motivate environmental initiatives.