PRESS RELEASE: My top tips for a brilliant Dry July

As a Grey Area Drinking Coach I have supported thousands of Australians to completely change their relationship with Alcohol and this July I am sharing all my tips for a successful month off alcohol.

Grey Area Drinking describes the place between ‘every now and then’ drinking and Rock bottom drinking, needing medical support to quit. Grey Area Drinkers don’t look like they have a ‘problem’ with drinking, in fact many drink the same way as everyone around them. But silently they are questioning the role alcohol has in their lives and while they do want to make a change, they don’t know how in a culture that incudes alcohol at every occasion.

Australia’s binge drinking culture is off the charts, and the health consequences are dire. Alcohol is now being linked to more than 60 diseases, including more than 30 not previously established as alcohol
related. An international survey named Australians as the heaviest drinkers in the world, spending more time drunk in 2020 than any other nation. The survey found Australians drank to the point of drunkenness
an average of 27 times a year, almost double the global average of 15.

This July, as many Australians look to take a month off alcohol, I am sharing tips to ensure the benefits of this alcohol free month last beyond the 30 days. Here are my top 5 tips:

1. Focus on what you gain. Don’t spend the month crossing off the days until you can drink again. Celebrate your new found energy, improved sleep, clearer skin and possible weight loss. Look at what you gain!

2. Change up how you socialise. A month without booze doesn’t have to mean staying home the whole time – just socialise in a different way – outdoor pursuits, breakfasts, comedy nights, hikes in the bush. Maintain connection but without the booze.

3. Stock up on incredible alcohol free drinks – there are so many great ones available now!

4. Use an app like “I am Sober” to monitor how much money you save and use that money to reward yourself with a gift at the end of the month (that doesn’t include alcohol!). It’s not uncommon for my clients to save over $250 in a month!

5. At the end of the month reflect on what you’ve noticed and the role alcohol plays in your life. Reflect on what has changed/improved and decide what role you want alcohol to have in your life moving forward. if you’re feeling great, you can keep going!

Sarah Rusbatch
0451 055147

Media Contacts:

Name: Sarah RusbatchCompany: Sarah RusbatchEmail: Phone: 0451 055147


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    Sarah Rusbatch is an accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach, Public Speaker, Author and Women's health ambassador. She supports thousands of Australians every year to create positive change around their drinking.