PRESS RELEASE: OmniScriptum, Germany Announces the Release of the Book: Populism and Economic Nationalism, Australia’s First Populist Politician, Senator Fraser Anning, ISBN 978-620-4-19107-2.

07 September 2021

OmniScriptum Lambert Academic Press, Germany Announces the Release of the Political Science and Biography of Senator Fraser Anning in the Book: Populism and Economic Nationalism, Australia’s First Populist Politician, Senator Fraser Anning, ISBN 978-620-4-19107-2.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Adelaide, Australia) – OmniScriptum Lambert Academic Press, Germany are proud to offer the latest work from Professor Adrian David Cheok, Populism and Economic Nationalism, Australia’s First Populist Politician, Senator Fraser Anning, hitting bookstores everywhere on 7 September 2021. Populism and Economic Nationalism, Australia’s First Populist Politician, Senator Fraser Anning is an epic biography, focused on Senator Fraser Anning. This book explains the worldwide phenomenon of populism and economic nationalism, through a thorough and detailed study of Australia’s first populist politician, Senator Fraser Anning. Through an examination of his life, political views, and philosophy, we obtain a deep understanding of populism and economic nationalism. The reader will also obtain never before known insights into the workings of the Senate, and Senator’s views and actions. Selected extracts from the book are shown below. All journalists will be able to receive a free electronic review copy upon contacting the contact person below.


Lambert Academic Publishing specializes in the publication of theses, dissertations and habilitation treatises endorsed by universities from all over the world. Its titles are in English and Russian language. Professor Adrian David Cheok AM is a Full Professor at the Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation (iUniversity) in Tokyo, Japan, and a Member of the Order of Australia.

Media Contacts:
Name: Emma Yann Zhang
Company: Institute for Populist Economic Nationalism
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61432979160

Selected Book Extracts

About being Prime Minister:
In 2019 Fraser Anning was the most Googled person in Australia. Anning said people said they wanted Anning to be Prime Minister. Anning replied, that is not how our Westminster system works, unfortunately.

About the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic:
Fraser elaborated “Governments don’t want you to have guns because then they can’t enforce their will. I was just reading that they locked down a huge city when there was just one case of Coronavirus in China. That’s why I really believe more and more that this was a violent biological weapon, that they protected their country. Almost 100 percent they know exactly what’s coming and how to stop it. If you look at it in terms of casualties, this is like an incredible war where it’s like 4000 dead on one side and a million on the other side. They had all their plans in place to contain it beforehand.”

About Senator Pauline Hanson:
Fraser mentioned how he came to be friends with Pauline Hanson. Fiona heard her speak, and then got in touch with her. This was around 1993 when Pauline Hanson first came to prominence. Fraser mentioned he got to know Pauline Hanson and she got to know the Annings. Fraser mentioned that she would come and stay with them a lot. Pauline was on a farm. And Fraser had a house and had units in the Sunshine Coast. Fraser mentioned that at that time Pauline and Fraser and Fiona were sort of pretty much best friends.
Fraser’s brother Harry said Pauline was looking for him and she wanted Fraser’s phone number. But Harry wouldn’t give it to her. Harry just claimed ignorance and said he didn’t know Fraser’s phone number. Harry said she told him that Fraser is going to step aside. She wanted Fraser to step aside so that Malcolm Roberts could go back in as a senator. Fraser said, “you must be kidding”, Harry said no. Fraser said “I’ve known her (Pauline) for twenty years, and now she’s going to tell me to step aside. So, I said, you must be kidding me.”
On the morning when Pauline called Fraser into her office at 8am. The morning Fraser was going to be sworn in. Fraser got into this room with her adviser, James Ashby and quite a lot of her other staff. Fraser said there were about 12 or 14 people in the room and he was coming in to be chastised. Fraser didn’t know this. When David Goodridge walked in, Pauline screamed, for him to get out right here and she said you’ll never ever come in here and you’ll never work for One Nation again.
However, Pauline felt that that was being a traitor to her, not loyal to her. Fraser said Pauline “is weird and paranoid.”
Fraser continued “So she screamed at David get out. And I mean really you get out of here, like an old fish. I was thinking, are you kidding me? And so, David turned round, I sat down. Richard McGillivray, the lawyer. She’d never met. So, he came in, she couldn’t scream at him, as she didn’t know him. And she said, ‘what do you mean by not coming in talking to me?’ And she starts yelling, Pauline, she said, ‘you what do you think you’re talking to?’ she was screaming at me, ‘you should have called me’ and you should have done this. I just stood straight up. I said, ‘no one talks to me like that, if you’d been a man. I’d knock you right out. And I said, I won’t be working with you. And that’s a fucking maggot sitting beside you, James Ashby. I said (to Pauline) you would do yourself a favour if you got rid of that piece of dog shit. And he (Ashby) sort of looked at me, but then his eyes always went down because. I would quite happily knock that guy out. But I walked out of the room.

About being a Politician:
Fraser said he never saw himself as wanting to be a politician. And wherever he was, he was making good money. Fraser said “So why would I want to go on (to Parliament). Being a fucking boring place like with some of the greatest grubs in the country.” In between 1998 and 2016 Pauline Hanson asked Fraser a few times if he would run but he declined. Fraser said there were a few other politicians that talked to him about if he would run.

About a Staff wanting to make a Slush Fund and Illegal Deal with a Chinese General:
During Christmas, David and Tegan went away for Christmas to America. He was going to line Fraser up with interviews over here with Hannity and all these different people. And Fraser said, okay, yeah. And when they came back, he said to Richard McGilray that he was going to start a slush fund.
Fraser continued “That was one thing. The other thing was he said to me, he has this ex-Chinese general who wanted beef and other goods container load sent to China, without paying tax. He said you’re in the beef industry. Would you know where to get the beef with?” Fraser said I know where you can get tons of beef. Fraser asked “What does he need me for? He said, well, he wants forty containers. I think it was a month down, but I’m pretty sure it was a lot of beef. Where would he get it.” And Fraser said he could get it with Swifts, Smorgasbords, or Tanguys. Richard said, “He doesn’t want to go through them.” Fraser replied, “they’re the only people who have export licenses.” David replied “Now you don’t understand. He doesn’t want to go through export license.” To which Fraser retorted “David, that’s illegal.”

About “Safe Schools”:
Fraser continued “Safe Schools is one of the filthiest pornographic child indoctrinating pieces of garbage I’ve ever read. If you read it, it is pornography for eight-, nine- and 10-year-olds. It’s called Safe Schools. Well, they always use a false phone call. They’ll use whatever they can to get their agenda through. But here is a fourth grade or five or six. So, 10- or 11-year-olds, and they’ve got a little girl sitting on a chair like this with the legs. No pants on. This is the clitoris. This is, this is this, and this is what you do to get anything on this kid’s eight-year-old for the motivation for that. Like Karl Marx said, give me your children for three years and I have them. The idea is to divide the family, to split the families. And so, if we can divide the family, split the family up, in other words, what they believe in, the socialists and communists, as you know they believe the state can look after your children. Better than you can. You can breed the children. We’ll look after them from their own.

About Senator Anning’s proposed Plebiscite on Immigration:
Fraser continued “for instance, the plebiscite on who could come to Australia? I couldn’t do that. Hang on. You just had a plebiscite on gay marriage, which means nothing to anyone, to a tiny percent of the community maybe. Most gays didn’t even give a rat’s ass one way or another. So let the Australian people have a say on do they want more South Sudanese coming into the country who are hard line on Islam, hardened criminals from the third most violent country on the planet coming into our neighbourhoods where they are literally like a wolf among the sheep. These people see us as how fucking easy. He’s got a wallet in his pocket. He’s by himself. There’s seventeen of us. Let’s take his wallet and his phone. So, I said, you don’t have to live with all these people, you live behind huge walls, and you have security. These people, the rest of Australia are walking among these people and living among there, among them, and they are like lambs to slaughter.”
Fraser continued the rationale behind his plebiscite, “So let them have a say (the Australian people) in whether they want more of it or not. Oh, no, we could never do that. How dare you even suggest that? You dared to suggest that we have a plebiscite on whether two blokes want to get married, or two women. It really affects less than one percent of our population. So, you’ve had that. This is affecting a huge swath of our population; you’ve got Lakemba and all these different places in Sydney and Melbourne. They’re being beaten up. They’re being robbed. They’re being raped. And those people don’t like it. Some of them thought they might like it. And then all of a sudden this is a liberals crash course with reality. So, bring them in. We welcome you all. We love you. Then saying when they kick in your door, 12 or 13 big South Sudanese, eighteen to twenty-six in age and violent. These guys are violent people. And his mum and dad and the two kids, they’re getting a flogging, and they know the daughter’s being raped, and the mothers being raped. Suddenly, the welcome sign gets put in the back of the garage, we don’t really need it now. So, it sounds great, to be open and welcome, but they’re completely different cultures. And they unfortunately, it’s not like multiculturalism, it’s multi tribal. So, you have lots of different tribes. And I met a lot of those people. I met women whose daughters were bashed and raped. They came to us, and they say, keep doing what you’re doing and keep fighting because look, this is what happened to us, and one woman’s daughter that she married one of these guys, really, he flogged her and beat her. And then he left her on the floor of the toilet, the bathroom. And they found out three days later she died. And this woman was just distraught. She said, I’ve lost my beautiful daughter and people don’t realize this is their culture. She must have dishonoured him somewhat. Anyway, so by me asking for that, and all these labels put on me, but then I had huge support, like millions of people were saying that’s what they wanted.”
Fraser elaborated “They don’t like the welfare system. Because if you’re working 12-hour days, six days a week, or doing at least 60 hours of hard work a week and having over around 50 percent of your pay taken from you. One day you’re going to say, well, what benefit am I getting out of this? Sixty per cent pay is ridiculous. There’s roads there’s defence and there’s education, which is usually what your taxes are supposed to be there for. Roads, education. Why is it costing so much? Well, because we’ve got all these feel-good programs.”
Fraser elaborated “Well, living in a culture that was absolutely at odds with their culture. When you’re living with people who are living on the dole. When you’re going to work eight hours a day and they’re living and having lots of babies right around. And they’re looking down on you. Because they are superior. They’re very, very superior. This is the Muslims. I mean because the Koran tells them they’re superior. If your religious belief tells you that you are much more superior, you’re superior to the infidel. To the Christians or Hindus, the Jews and the Buddhists. You must believe that, and that’s what you’re trained, and they’re only there to work for you, to make money for you, to supply you with all your needs. Because Inshallah, Inshallah is Allah will provide. No wonder people want to get out of those areas. A lot of people don’t realize but when they put a mosque that’s conquered land. So, I have conquered this area let’s say Lakemba for instance. The Lakemba mosque is where they’ve conquered, they own that area there. Everyone else is there at their behest. And everyone else is all inferior for Muslims. I go on a bit about Muslims because I know it’s like a cancer that grows slowly. They outbreed the infidel four to one. And eventually they take over, if you don’t stop it when you can, you deserve what you got. They have six kids, seven kids, eight kids. It’s very normal. Well, you’re allowed to have four wives and you’re allowed to have two or three concubines. That’s all expected and accepted.”

About Senator Anning’s comments on the Christchurch Mosque Shooting:
Fraser talked about the reaction to his comments after the mosque shooting. “How dare you. You’re blaming the victims for the crime. I said, if we don’t keep bringing these people in. You want to have it; they will keep on having terrorist attacks on us. And I don’t condone it in any way, shape or form. But sooner or later, somebody will get sick of it like this lunatic. And do it back. I mean, we don’t have multiculturalism. We have multi-tribalism. You have several different tribes living on the one place and they don’t integrate. Everyone else did like the Vietnamese, the Greeks, the Italians, anyone who came over here, within a generation or two they integrate. But in the history of Islam, they’ve never integrated. All they’ve done is take over and then persecute the hosts. That’s their modus operandi. It’s only been going for fourteen hundred years so you’d think that people would learn by now, but they don’t.”
Fraser discussed more about his comments on the Christchurch massacre. “That was before the election. We read about it then. I condemn the guy for being. That’s not how you settle differences, but it’s the way, you know, some people do. I said no one wants to see anyone killed, particularly women and kids. There’s plenty of men that probably deserve equally. I condemned it. But I said we bring it on ourselves. If we bring in cultures that are diametrically opposed to our culture. Who believe right from the outset from the good book? That we are inferior, and that we are to be exploited. They carry that out, they carry it out in terrorist attacks and all this sort of stuff. I don’t believe they’re terrorist attacks. I believe they’re just people who are following what their Prophet Muhammad told them to do, who was, by the way, a corrupted, perverted paedophile who is totally without honour, the ninth level of hell was reserved by, I think it was in Dante’s Inferno. But the ninth level of hell, the lowest level is for treachery. So, somebody that you believe was your friend and he’s treacherous. Here’s a man who went from Mecca to Medina. And then he formed his group in Medina and he wrote his Koran. Plagiarizing both the Bible and the Torah. And to try and attract the Jews and the Christians, which he did once he got enough of a following, converted to Islam. The people who had taken him in when he came from Mecca and Medina, they took him in. They looked after him though. They’d befriended him. He slaughtered them. That is the greatest act of treachery. So, the man that they’re all supposed to emulate and look up to was a treacherous murdering paedophile, and a thief. He stole goods of course. So, he would go out and attack a caravan of Jews coming in or Christians, whatever he and his men and that steal all their stuff. So, he wasn’t to my mind somebody you want to model yourself on. Yes, the Christchurch massacre. So, I condemned it. But I did say, look, if you continue to, if our country, New Zealand, Australia, and all other Christian basically countries continue to bring these people in and not only bring them in, but feed them and have house them and pay them huge amounts of money. They’re on their own incredible money, most of them. Then what do you think is going to happen? Eventually people are going to say, I’ve had enough of this, and I don’t know what was going on. Most rational people don’t take it to that extreme. But if you’re a pensioner and you see the Muslims three doors down. He’s got cars and wives and kids and they’re living a very, very comfortable life. Mainly because they’re on about five or six times as much money from the government as a pensioner who worked here all their life. Why wouldn’t they get angry, You are going to see these sort of things probably occur more. Me personally, I think that we are going to eventually have another crusade, and we need all the Christian soldiers we can get. I would put them on a plane and send them back give them 90 days to get out of the country. People say, well, that’s a bit radical. Well, I’m not putting you in concentration camps or death camps. I’m just saying you do not assimilate. You haven’t assimilated. You’re costing us a fortune. You hate us and you’re attacking us in the streets. As far as I’m concerned, that would represent an enemy to me. And look, during the first the Second World War, we had some really good Germans, and we had some Japanese and Italians here (in Australia). But we didn’t know which ones were maybe going to spy for their country. That were put into camps in Cohan. I think it was in western New South Wales and different places. Now probably most of them are decent people, but yeah, we can’t afford the risk that somebody sitting there and Sydney heads saying oh yeah, HMAS Melbourne’s just left and heading south, heading north, and radioing. So, if you have an enemy in your country, if you’re at war with Japan, and you have Japanese living in the country and who are they going to be sympathetic to the Japanese. We took the precaution. So, what we have now is a lot of people in both in these Western countries, America, and Australia. After you’ve read the Koran, you know that if they’re a good Muslim, they’re going to hate that you’re not their friend. You know, their enemy. They need us because a lot of those people just Insha’Allah, it’s in God’s hands. How am I going to make money its Insha’Allah? Allah will work it out. Well, what they really mean is that the infidels pay dhimmitude. And look after us, which is exactly what we’re doing, and they exploit our system so well. I mean they know more things than will ever, ever know about how to cheat the system and be looked after. And I’m sure that there are quite a number that are hard working. Unfortunately, they are in the minority, most of them, if you drive through Lekemban tomorrow at 11 o’clock on a working day, you’ll see the coffee shops all in the dishdashas. I’ve been through there a couple of times. It’s in Melbourne, the Lakemba mosque is probably one of the hotbeds of a Mosque to a Muslim is they’ve conquered this area. When you put your mosque that you’ve conquered that area, and they’re not working. So, here’s all working aged men. I’m not talking about old men sitting in front of a coffee shop. I’m talking about, you know, 18, 20, 30, 40, 50. They’re all sitting back and taking it easy. And the wives are all in their hijabs and they’re doing their shopping because they’ve got plenty of money. Our pensioners are sitting at home freezing their ass off because they can’t pay their electricity. And that’s not right. I believe most Australians, and I know most Australians, are outraged over it, and our pensioners is our people, our retirees in Australia are just treated so badly. They’ve worked literally all their life. In 1984, our pension fund was ripped off by the Labour government.”

About Senator Annings Maiden Speech in the Senate:
Fraser discussed about his maiden speech in the Senate: “the gallery was packed, all the right-wing people who have been done over, because they knew I was fighting for them. But it’s hard to fight when you are by yourself, exactly one. Other politicians would say, I think that I don’t want to make waves. I want to get re-elected. They start saying things that will hopefully get them re-elected. I couldn’t care less about getting re-elected. But what I would have liked to have seen was a good solid block where you could force these things through. Pauline Hanson has it, but she flips and flops. And Barry Sullivan from the Nationals and it’s like he’s a good bloke. So (the Maiden Speech) was too long. And Howard put it in flowery terms. Because he’s a speech writer, Major Richard Howard. And I’d cut out and cut out. I said it’s too long. So, we cut out, and he said, well, you’ve got to keep this in the sense, he make the first draft of the speech. Richard (who wrote the speech mostly) knew what I thought – exactly. We wanted patriotism and people in our industry back again. And I can’t even remember it was too long. I was getting dry in the throat by the time I was finished. You are supposed to go for thirty minutes max and mine was 32, but most of the other Maiden Speeches are twenty-six and twenty-eight. I would have been happy with twenty or twenty-five, but anyway you Howard and he put a lot of words into the speech. The crimson thread, and I said it was not words I’d use normally, but then of course, the words, “the final solution”, which everyone took out of context, the final solution to the immigration problem is to let the Australian people have a vote on who comes into their country. And they said discrimination. I said, look, when somebody comes to your door. If you’ve got a 45 and he’s got tattoos all over him in know, that’s discrimination if you don’t let him in here. If you order the chicken instead of the beef, I said give me a break, that’s what humans do, we should be allowed to say who we want to live with. 75 per cent of Australians wanted less immigration, and we did plenty of polls, and it would have been higher than that. They’d much rather not have all this violence and the disruption and the chance of being stabbed. Look at what’s happening in London. Anyway, so then they took that out of context. But the next day David, head of the Australian Jewish Association, called me and he said Fraser, take no notice, you haven’t offended any of us. He said they deliberately took it out of context, and he said, I have two magazines on my desk right now that include the final solution. It’s a different problem. One guy said to me his boss in a warehouse used to say to him, I like the final solution would be to move those ones over there and these ones over there. So, then we they went back through Hansard. And this is, after all, sort of died down a bit. We found twenty-one other members of parliament in the lower house, and the Prime Minister, had used exactly the same term, and never been taken out of context. So, it was got cameras in my face and interviews with bleeding heart socialists. Somebody from the ABC and he said yeah. What do you say to these people that you’ve insulted most of insulted? I said I’ve insulted no one. The press asked are you going to apologize? I’ll never apologize. Take it or leave it. I was there in the sun yard that night, and there is a buddy of mine, David Adler, a lovely guy. And his wife. But Fiona and I, we’ve been out to dinner with him a few times. He was appreciative of what I’d done. Several different times. I was standing up for the Israelis particularly. And so, the other the other group that I had a lot of dealing with were the South Africans expats.”

About the “Egg boy” incident:
Fraser discussed about the boy who threw an egg at him: “I think now the day the egg boy smacked me in the egg, I’d just done an interview with those guys who was a good guy. Australia’s quite left wing. I’m not in mainstream media no. That would give you, it was always an attack. Fraser come in, I just want to, and I knew what they’re going to do, and then try and set you up on an attack here and try and anything that I said that was all cut out of press conferences. They’d use two minutes of a one-hour press conference where some one of the gallery would be having a crack. And then cut your answer. And it’s just absolutely terrible. The Australian media is no better than the left-wing American media.”
Fraser discussed about the incident when a boy threw an egg at his head “well that was a set up by a Channel seven cameraman was involved in that. And I didn’t realize until later.
And then he got famous for being egg boy, you know, with all the lefties. And then Morrison, the moron the bed wetting fucking moron. This is the current Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. He was prime minister then. He said anything should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And I said, what for being a hit from behind? My reaction was just like, you know, if you’re in a bar. You don’t know if somebody is drunk or crazy, or just wants to get start a fight. They’ll just punch you. So, I’m sort of aware of what’s happening all the time. I didn’t expect that. I reacted reasonably quickly because I did boxing for many years. And then running rough hotels. So, you know, if somebody takes a swing at you, I react as quickly as I can because I don’t want to get down on the ground. And so basically, as I turned around, I just went, bang this kid. But the cameraman who was with him was obviously part of the setup.

About the Australian Electoral Commission:
Fraser mentioned it took a long time for his party to be approved by the Australian Electoral Commission. “AEC. You know, I believe the AEC is as corrupt an organization as there is in Australia, and they wanted to make it as hard as they possibly could for me to register. And then I believe that they completely rorted the system. The system was corrupt. And a lot of our votes, no, the vast majority of our votes never saw the light of day or so, which really didn’t surprise me.

About Senator Larissa Waters:
Fraser continued “And Larissa Waters (a Senator) actually published one photo as well. That’s right. I was down in the courtyard doing a what they call a doorstop. And I normally didn’t (do a doorstop interview). We get out of the car, Fiona, and myself and whoever was with us and Becky. We get out of the car, walked through the security into our office. But sometimes it’s the press would stop you, and if it was something I was concerned about, I’d stop and talk to the press. I didn’t do it that often. But Larissa is in her office, I am down on the ground talking to the press, and she’s on the first floor and she is doing the finger at me. She’s a piece of dog shit, you know, she’s a lowlife child murdering piece of dog shit. I said, Scott, it’s not kosher. I said, with all those cameras around, you must be joking. You are a joke; I just said the whole of the press gallery would have gotten that photo. Of course, they wouldn’t publish it because she’s left wing. That’s my hypothesis.

About Returning Back to Australian Politics:
Fraser remarked about whether he would return back to politics in Australia, “I’d go back, look all the provisos would be, one clean up the AEC, fire everyone in there. Start off another electoral monitoring system, and have a system that everyone would be confident in. Switzerland has an ID card that they can have citizens-initiated referendum, which, by the way, I fought for in parliament, rather than government-initiated referenda. Any time a government initiates a referendum, you can absolutely be guaranteed to give government more power. So, citizens-initiated referendum is referenda is the way to go. Switzerland has ones that use a swipe card with an ID. And you can use a swipe card to vote yes or no. Swipe card. And you want this guy or this guy. And yet that one person is the only person who can do it. Yes, it can be, it can be manipulated but nowhere near as much as a piece of paper with a pencil thrown in the trash. Exactly how much manipulation do you need then. Crunching a bit of paper. It is such an archaic system. Yet you know everything we do in life in Australia, or America, you have to show an ID, even to get a library book, and you don’t have to show it to go and vote. So, you know, you know that somebody wants it to stay that way. And the two major parties have been working, as far as I’m concerned, in cahoots for 50 years. It’s like here’s the football, and it’s your go now. You have four years, or you can have it back again. And the main agenda is absolutely to make certain, you no minor conservative party ever puts their head above the water. And I think if they thought Fraser’s going back to being massive, I mean, whether I get back, I’ll tell you what, I would go back to Australia if there was an uprising and a revolution. I’ll happily go back to Australia. And go to war for the Patriots of Australia. And better men than I ever was, you know, fought, and died for all those freedoms and rights we ever had. And they’ve been they’ve been squandered and disrespected. So, a revolution, I know probably never happened because the country’s been disarmed. But yeah, I’d love to see it, you know, a complete clearing of the deep state and the cesspool that is Canberra. And no one would get into Parliament that had not worked for a living at least 20 or so years. And then limited terms. So, you know, maximum two terms for all parliamentarians. These people are career politicians. You know, I met a lot of them. They’ve been there for 30 years and done nothing. I am happy to fight for Australia, happy to shoot some communists in the head.”

Media Contacts:

Name: Emma Yann ZhangCompany: OmniScriptum Lambert Academic Press, GermanyEmail: Phone: +61432979160

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