PRESS RELEASE: Quarantine breaches -The solution

Quarantine definition;-
A state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that may have been exposed to infectious disease are placed.
Recent breaches in quarantine :
1) Guard infected in corridor -
Nobody should have access to areas that directly communicate with an infectious zone without full PPE.
REMEDY – This is the 21st century; electronic CCTV with motion sensors in these 2nd tier infection zones ( corridors,lifts, access areas). Guards stationed outside these areas ( stair wells or isolated rooms away from residents) with monitors and full PPE available if the need to enter these areas arises.
2) Resident leaves quarantine and passes on infection – Perth and Adelaide [ recent Victoria outbreak].
Presently residents leaving quarantine ( highly infectious area) are swabbed 24-48hrs prior to departure to ensure result available before being discharged.
REMEDY – Another incident resulting from poor protocol. All residents should be swabbed again as they depart. And both them and their driver ( should only be one ,not the whole family) go into home quarantine for another 4 days. At day 3 they are visited and another swab taken ( as well as random visits to ensure they are complying). The following day when this swab is cleared they are permitted to leave home quarantine! BECAUSE it should assumed ( as they were in a highly infectious area) that they had potentially become infected as they walked out of their room on the way to the quarantine entrance/exit.
3) Saturday 1st May. A guard infected again -
Guards and others (other than those in quarantine) should not be exposed to this virus at all!
4) Victorian outbreak – Man released from quarantine in SA following negative test. REMEDY – PROPER QUARANTINE PROCEDURE! (see 2 above)
5) Sydney outbreak – taxi/uber driver infected.
REMEDY – Anybody coming into contact with a potentially infected person ( overseas traveller which includes airline crew) are part of quarantine and therefore they must reside there. They should be domiciled in airport or hotel accomodation for a three week shift or other and then go through the process above in (see 2 above ).
6) Queensland- miner enters quarantine one day and leaves the next ( had a sleepover). And then on a plane with 90 others???
. 1)  You could have an effective quarantine station in a tent in the middle of St Georges Tce ( Perth) if you had in place CORRECT PROCEDURE! 

. 2)  The medical profession ( including the medical advisors being consulted by governments) don’t study or in fact practice Quarantine and quarantine PROCEDURE!
VETERINARIANS DO THIS! but nobody has even thought to consult with this profession! 

. 3)  Our problem is not the facilities it is the fact that persons involved in the process and the process itself are flawed. Guards and anybody who has contact with or enters areas of potential infection should also be subject to quarantine. We accept ‘ fly in fly out’ as second nature. Those persons mentioned should reside within a quarantine area ( within the hotel or other) and not leave designated Q areas. Four weeks on and then subject to the same protocol as stated above under (Resident leaves quarantine and infects) and two or three weeks off. BUT THIS WILL COST – please do the sums – Cost of lockdown V’s this cost! 

. 4)  Everybody including politicians need to understand that both human lives and our economy are at the mercy of this virus. CONTROL THE VIRUS AND YOU PROTECT BOTH THE ECONOMY AND LIVES.
NOT the REVERSE which is certainly the Federal Govs thinking! 

. 5)  This virus HATES WARM WEATHER but LOVES COLD WEATHER – Survives considerably longer. We need to get PROPER PROCEDURE in place before the temperatures sink and us with them. ( unfortunately this statement prepared in April)
This issue must be dealt with sooner than later as this virus and its variants are not going away for years to come.
This can be FIXED in a few weeks.
I am available to discuss these matters further at any time.
Tom Ahern BVSc
0423246144 – 08 94784029 [email protected]

Two issues that must be aired in the parliamentary environment
. A)  The need for proper quarantine procedure (regardless of where a Q Station is setup) pointing out that current breaches are the fault of poor procedure not buildings. 

. B)  The ability t produce our own mRNA vaccines.(The future of vaccines)mRNA vaccines can be manipulated to deal with variants in a 6 week period. Conventional vaccines take considerably longer. We already have the technical knowledge ( Uni of WA) but must invest, either ourselves WA or in cooperation with other states. We are 12 months behind and are always going to be down the list as regards availability if we continue to rely on overseas suppliers. We need to START NOW!
Note: Pleased to hear that Victoria have initiated this process but should have been 12 months ago and by Federal government. The issue hear is that at the federal level this outbreak is being handled by ‘economists’. A bit like having a proctologist fix your teeth! 

Media Contacts:

Name: Dr Tom AhernCompany: Dr Tom Ahern BVScEmail: Phone: 0423246144

About Dr Tom Ahern BVSc
