PRESS RELEASE: Research Uncovers Religious Fraud as Jesus Christ Never Existed
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Research Uncovers Religious Fraud as Jesus Christ Never Existed
Extreme Violence and Brain Washing Made the Myth into a God
Canberra, Australia, February 20th, 2024. Norma Holt, who holds a degree equated to a Ph.D. (Cambridge and Dublin Universities) releases findings exposing Jesus Christ as a myth and the work of 666.
Emperor Constantine stated that Jesus Christ was the ‘son of the sun, ‘Mary’, its name in Babylon. Noted in Revelation 17:5 KJV as Babylon the Great and Mother of Harlots, the sun was the Mother God of that city where men died to ‘marry Mary’. Modern Faiths are born of it.
Stylized as a woman Constantine declared Mary the mother of God, and he altered dates, names, and connections when he established the Catholic Church (325AD). He used the image of Jesus Christ for political gain and increased power and made the Sun’s Day (Sunday) the official day of worship.
First built over the temple of Jupiter (Peter in English). the Vatican buried the evidence and much of the history while threatening its opponents. Norma’s website details evidence from sources overlooked, underrated, or buried to preserve the integrity of the organization.
Norma’s research involves ancient scripts and sites showing the development of religions and language from sun worship. She traced religious progress built on traditions and primitive ideas that include Stonehenge, plus Egyptian and Mayan worship.
Norma highlights crimes perpetrated by kings and churches to force worship of the fake god. They include the Judas Sling, the Spanish Donkey, red hot grippers to pull off a woman’s breast and other horrors. Religious tenets based on dreams, treated as messages from the Sun, fail archaeological, historical, scientific, and biological evidence. Archaeology, anthropology, genetics, and linguistics are among her sources.
Jerome, the ‘Doctor of the Church’, noted (diaries and letters) that he took the format, instruments, calendar, and festivals, from the Imperial Roman Religion, originally from Babylon. They bear the blazing sun’s image while the Mass matches that conducted in the city. Norma traced the inhabitants from there (the Amor) to Roma (reverse Amor). Earthquake c destroyed their former capital, Mary, 11 km NW of Abu Kabul, 4,000 ya.
As his church after him, the emperor used violence and murder to force worship of the cross and Jesus Christ (his decrees). The Vatican continued the pattern (historical records) and it began the Muslim Branch through a parishioner as its prophet (Vatican archives). Constantine’s name and number is 666 in the Assyrian alphabet system.
Norma gives this information freely as her inspiration is her reincarnation and knowledge that there is no heaven or hell and that religions are frauds and responsible for the current unrest. They operate under pretenses and engage in terrorism, slavery, and theft for profit and power.