PRESS RELEASE: Rising roadside births in rural NSW

Across rural NSW, we’re facing an alarming and escalating crisis: the dramatic rise in baby’s born in the gravel on the side of the road, “born before arrival” (BBA) births. This is a direct consequence of the ongoing closure of maternity services in our communities.

Data from the 2022 Mothers’ and Babies’ report is deeply concerning:
The rate in Northern NSW is now 1.7%, more than double the rate of 0.7% in 2001.
Western NSW’s BBA rate is now 1.2%, three times the rate of 0.4% in 2001.
Central Sydney has a rate of 0.4%, virtually unchanged from 0.3% in 2001.
The overall NSW rate has increased to 0.7% from 0.4% in 2001.
This issue is not new, but it’s worsening. Over 130 (50%) of rural/regional maternity services in Australia closed between 1995 and 2005, and closures have continued since, including recent ones in Muswellbrook, Parkes, and Milton-Ulladulla.

The human cost of this crisis:
Families are being forced to travel long distances for maternity care, incurring significant financial burdens and emotional strain from being separated from loved ones at a critical time.
The closure of maternity services also triggers a domino effect, leading to the departure of other health professionals and the loss of additional vital services in our communities.
More preterm births, higher mortality rates.
Trauma of having a baby roadside.
Despite local access being prioritised in many State and Federal maternity policies, we have seen ongoing closures and no commitment or plan to reopen maternity services.

We’re available for interviews and can provide you with further data and insights. We also have found a woman from Milton who is willing to speak with you about her experience of a roadside birth:

0498 336 976
[email protected]


Edwina Mead
M: 0411 799 957

Media Contacts:

Name: Edwina MeadCompany: Maternity Consumer NetworkEmail: Phone: 0401033348


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    Maternity Consumer Network is Australia's largest maternity consumer organisation with over 1300 member and member organisations. We're a passionate group of mums on a mission to ensure families have better maternity services. We are not-for-profit organization, non-political and non-sectarian consumer network who provides support in maternity services, advocacy, information sharing, strategic direction for campaigns as well as Respectful Maternity Care Training. We are dedicated to advocating for improvements in maternity care in Australia through the implementation of the Woman Centered Care: strategic Directions for Australian Maternity Services. We have successfully amplified the voice of maternity consumers at all levels of government and service delivery level.