PRESS RELEASE: Rosie Connor, Co-Founder of BTS Spark, named a 2023 ‘Most Influential Educator in Australia’ by The Educator Magazine

BTS GROUP AB (publ.): Rosie Connor, Founder of BTS’s social impact, non-profit practice BTS Spark, has been named in The Educator Magazine’s list of ‘The Best Educators in Australia Influencing Culture and Reform’, within the category ‘Most Influential Educators 2023’.
This recognition is a testament to Connor’s tireless efforts enabling school leaders across the globe to fulfil their potential as confident and resourceful leaders of the school communities they serve. From the helm of BTS Spark, Rosie has helped to develop education leaders in every state in Australia, and also expanded operations in England, the U.S., Canada, Singapore, Indonesia, and Kenya.
The ‘Most Influential Educators in Australia’ list is comprised of inspirational leaders and changemakers who are changing the face of education for their communities. The winners are highly recognized within the industry, described as “innovative, abreast of current research and best practices, adaptable, systemic, and relational” by industry expert Kirsti Hitz-Morton, senior education consultant at Hutton Consulting Australia.
“It’s an honor to be recognized among these incredible educators”, says Connor. “I’m very grateful to BTS Spark, where I’ve worked for 10 years alongside a dedicated team of partners to bring out the best in school leaders around the world. I’m also thankful to my BTS Spark colleagues and coaches, as well as the teachers and administrators I’ve met along the way, all of whom inspire me when it comes to innovating upon the best leadership practices in education”.
Says Hitz-Morton, “We don’t just need [educators] to have a high IQ – we need them to have emotional intelligence. If we’re not finding the right leaders for the right school, then the impact on the students and the community is enormous. We underestimate the positive impact that good leaders can have. The best educators are the ones that are creative with the curriculum and their pedagogy; they know how to bring an outcome to life”.
For more information, please visit The Educator Magazine online.