PRESS RELEASE: Several Minor Parties form a new Federation

Fusion — A Fresh Threat to LNP and Labor Votes.
“A federation of political parties to reform democracy.”

The Science Party, Pirate Party, Secular Party, Climate Emergency Action Alliance – Vote Planet, and Australian Climate Change Justice Party have banded together to form a new and exciting party called Fusion.

Rather than fighting individually under new rules that tripled membership requirements, they have all merged for the upcoming election and now present a real threat to the status quo.

The movement represents a growing dissatisfaction with the major parties and a lack of government accountability.

“They’re losing ground to us every election, and instead of doing better to win back the voters, they’re outlawing the competition. It’s an insult to every voter who wants change. We’re here to lead and represent our communities where the big parties have failed.”
– Andrea Leong, Fusion Party President and candidate for Grayndler.

“This election we’re building something bigger than we would have achieved individually and it’s exciting to be a part of that.” – Andrea Otto, Vote Planet President

“We’ve become such a threat to both Liberal and Labor that they decided to wipe us off the ballot. They might regret changing the rules.” – Miles Whiticker, Pirate Party President.

“Our parties have always been closely aligned, but changing the registration requirements brought half of the registered parties to the table to discuss the formation of an alliance. We now have the potential to become bigger than the Greens.” John Perkins – Secular Party

Some of Fusion’s values and objectives mirror the Coalition’s stated positions; on individual rights, a fair go, defence, and strong concern for regional Australia and our agricultural sector.

At the same time, the new party shares some points with the Labor platform, including action on climate change, reform in the education sector, and strong support for an anti-corruption commission to restore faith in federal politics.

With this balance, Fusion will strike a chord with the average voter and help ensure a healthy crossbench to force laws to be decided in parliament, not behind the closed doors of party rooms.

“We are gunning for strategic seats in this election to cause a lot of trouble for both major parties, and now we have the people to do it.” – Petar Johnson – Climate Change Justice Party President

Primary Contact:
Press Officer: Sara Joyce
[email protected]
0429 352 197
Secondary Contact:
Andrea Leong: 0400 168 441

Media Contacts:

Name: Sara JoyceCompany: Fusion PartyEmail: Phone: +614299352197

About Fusion Party

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A merger of the Science Party, Pirate Party, Secular Party, Vote Planet, and Climate Change Justice Party.