PRESS RELEASE: Students inhibited because they are not taught grammar, but Prof Stripes has the answer

Adelaide, South Australia – Prof Stripes is excited to announce the launch of Grammar Made Easy, a product set to improve the way primary school children (and English as Another Language (EAL) adults) learn English grammar. The program is comprised of 5 parts, taking the learner from a beginner level, all the way to becoming a master. Delivered either through the online platform which includes a series of videos and exercises (, and/or in hard-copy form across 5 books. The product uses a new form of semiotics learning, invented and successfully trialed by Mat Wilton, who has over 50 years of experience in childhood development. The official launch date for the product is January 2023.
Prof Stripes believes Grammar Made Easy will be able to help every child on their journey to learning grammar in a structured, pictorial, hands-on, and engaging way through Wilton’s Pictorial Grammar Theory process.
In fact, learning grammar within Australian schools has become a huge problem as grammar was formally removed from the Australian Curriculum back in the late 60s[1] and from this, it has created generations of students that do not know how to speak or write well. In fact, research from Victoria University has shown 1 in 4, Year 7 children lack the necessary literacy skills in order to succeed when entering high school.[2] This is evident from the recent SA NAPLAN scores failing to reach the national average[3] and the 2022 SACE English exam students using a computer program called Grammarly to effectively get a better grade.[4] “These students need to learn grammar as it is a foundational skill, because without it, their potential to learn other subjects is inhibited,” Prof Stripes Founder and CEO Mat Wilton said.
The Victorian government is looking to correct the literacy issue with the Liberals planning to spend $220m on phonics if they win the upcoming election on Saturday (November 25)[5] and in SA, Phonics has a very limited presence. However, Phonics addresses reading, which still leaves a huge grammar gap.
“While the Australian Curriculum has started to reintroduce grammar, it has left many teachers baffled on its concepts and worse, under-resourced in teaching aids,” Wilton said. This was what inspired Wilton to create the Grammar Made Easy program which “has already enabled many students to become self-learners and succeed at life” Wilton said.
In the long term, Wilton and his team plan to establish a literacy foundation to help disadvantaged youths to get ahead in their education. However, as part of the 2023 launch and to address the growing grammar problem, Prof Stripes will be offering the online program for free to five Australian schools next year and are inviting those in charge to reach out to them, if they would like this charitable offer. Wilton and his team can be contacted at
Contact Information:
Prof Stripes
Mat Wilton (Inventor, Founder, & CEO)
Ph: 0400 019 797
[email protected]
Bio: Mat Wilton, Inventor, Founder, & CEO of Prof Stripes, a company that is focused on early childhood development. Its main product at this time is “Grammar Made Easy” which has been trialed and developed in SA. It utilises the concepts of semiotics and is a reflection of Wilton’s 50 years of experience in childhood development.
Paradelta Strategy
Dr Tony Aitchison (Business Consultant & Contributor)
Ph: 0408 697 626
[email protected]
Bio: Tony Aitchison, a contributor to Prof Stripes, has been working with Wilton to structure and productize the “Grammar Made Easy” program into an online education program and a series of books. He runs a management consulting and brand equity building company called “Paradelta Strategy”, and has worked around the world, helping businesses to develop and grow.