PRESS RELEASE: The most incredible OPAL COLLECTION in Australia’s history could be lost forever

This extremely important opal collection that contains hundreds of extremely rare opal specimens could be lost forever. Currently listed by Slattery Auctions, it will conclude very soon, on June 22nd at 7 pm. The starting bid stands at $250,000, with one bid already placed. If not purchased by an organisation like us (The Brisbane Opal Museum) it is likely to be purchased and sold off separately to private collectors; lost forever.

So what are we doing? We are trying to purchase it for the Brisbane Opal Museum so that the best of the collection can be protected and on display for the people of Brisbane and tourists alike.

We’re coming at this from two angles.

1) We are looking for someone to help us acquire the collection with the assistance of a loan, which we will pay back with interest to the investor.
2) We are trying to raise money via GofundMe (search “Opal Collection”) on the GoFundMe website.

Thank you sincerely,
Geoff (shop manager) and Val (museum curator)
Co-founders of Brisbane Opal Museum

Media Contacts:

Name: Geoff McDonaldCompany: Brisbane Opal MuseumEmail: Phone: Geoff McDonald

About Brisbane Opal Museum

View Website

This is the page on our website that goes into greater detail about the collection and its history. There are also links to the GoFundMe page.