PRESS RELEASE: Tour Guides Australia recommend five priorities to grow a secure and resilient visitor economy workforce

Earlier this month, leading industry association Tour Guides Australia met with The Hon. Martin Ferguson AM, former Minister for Tourism, who is facilitating consultation on the THRIVE 2030 Consolidation Phase (2025 – 2027) on behalf of Austrade. The THRIVE 2030 strategy sets a long-term plan for growing Australia’s visitor economy. The meeting discussed outcomes achieved by Tour Guides Australia during the Thrive 2030 Recovery Phase (2022-2024).
Tour Guides Australia President Greg Esnouf says: “Our major initiative towards Phase One was the successful development and delivery of Tour Guide Australia’s industry-led Tour Guiding Fundamentals micro-credentialing course. It’s a cost-effective short course that provides a clear pathway to accreditation as a professional tour guide.”
Tour Guides Australia’s feedback towards Phase Two of the THRIVE 2030 strategy is expanding access to and national recognition of micro-credentialing courses such as the Tour Guiding Fundamentals course, and their five recommendations for the long-term sustainable growth of the visitor economy policy by growing a secure and resilient workforce include:
1. Encourage tour guide training programs for First Nations people.
Tour Guides Australia has identified that the Tour Guiding Fundamentals micro-credential course can significantly increase the capability to assist First Nations people in gaining employment in the visitor economy.
2. Promote the advantages of tour guide accreditation at a national level.
Tour Guides Australia welcomes discussions with all Australian state and territory governments to take the lead towards implementing a policy for government venues and attractions to promote tour guide accreditation and courses such as Tour Guiding Fundamentals as a requirement for all of their volunteer tour guides and site guides.
3. Improve employment standards for tour guides.
An industry award and recognition of training and accreditation programs such as the Tour Guiding Fundamentals micro-credential course for tour guides and their employers will lead to improved service standards and safety for visitor experiences.
4. Encourage tour operators to implement formal in-house training.
Tour Guides Australia understand that tour operators are the predominant trainers of new-to-industry guides. Let’s recognise and encourage the formalisation of quality in-house training programs to meet a minimum standard that leads to professional tour guide accreditation.
5. Supporting REVIVE – the national cultural policy.
Tour Guides Australia identified that the Tour Guiding Fundamentals micro-credential course could provide invaluable support beyond THRIVE 2030 to REVIVE, the national cultural policy, by building capability for site guides in art and cultural locations such as art galleries, museums and visitor information centres. There are synergies between both strategies for government venues and attractions in the visitor economy.
Greg says: “The Tour Guiding Fundamentals Course will assist visitor economy businesses with fast-track training to deliver high-quality experiences, aligning with the national strategic outcome to increase the acceptance of micro-credentialing as a recognised and valued form of training in the visitor economy for tour guides. We have a course accepting enrollments right now.”
Ready to start a new career as a professional guide? Enrol in a Tour Guiding Fundamentals course today at
Tour Guiding Fundamentals
The course and on-the-job experience may lead to professional accreditation with Tour Guides Australia, and course participants will receive a complimentary associate membership to get you networking immediately.
Enrolments are now available for Melbourne, Cairns, Brisbane and Sydney courses. Tour operators and attraction owners can also request course delivery onsite at a time that matches recruitment cycles and tour series.
Course details:
Enrol in a three-day introductory course designed for people new to the industry or those who would like to gain skills to be job-ready for future employment as a guide within the visitor economy.
During the course, you will have insights from industry professionals who will share their knowledge and experience across six themes that Tour Guides Australia recognise as the minimum industry standards for guiding.
They are:
1. Cultural and social awareness
2. Customer service
3. Occupational, health and safety
4. Safety and Legislation
5. Storytelling
6. Organising a tour
Course costs:
Individual $750
Early Bird $595 – check the website for live availability.
Business Pack (3-staff) $2,000
Early Bird Business Pack (4 staff) $2,000 – check the website for live availability.
Next Courses:
Melbourne – Robert White Room, Scots’ Hall, Level 1, 160 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
2nd, 3rd & 5th July 2024
9 am to 4.30 pm
Cairns – The Bunker Coworking Space, 79 McLeod Street
Cairns QLD 4870
10th, 11th & 13th July 2024
8.30 am to 4 pm
Sydney – Veriu Green Square, 18 O’Riordan Street
Alexandria NSW 2015
10th, 11th & 13th September 2024
8.30 am to 4 pm
Brisbane – New Farm Library, Meeting Room 1, 135 Sydney Street
New Farm QLD 4005
11th, 12th & 14th September 2024
8.30 am to 4 pm
Cairns – The Bunker Coworking Space, 79 McLeod Street,
Cairns QLD 4870
7th, 8th & 10th October 2024
8.30 am to 4 pm
Melbourne – Robert White Room, Scots’ Hall, Level 1, 160 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
12th, 13th & 15th November 2024
9 am to 4.30 pm