PRESS RELEASE: Tour Guides Australia takes a giant leap forward to support the Australian Government proposed Visitor Economy Strategy
New membership categories, micro-credentials and recognition for adopting quality standards are all part of the plan for Tour Guides Australia strategy to support the visitor economy into the future.
Tour Guides Australia have recently launched a new membership category for Guides with experience that takes advantage of recognised prior learning to attain a National Guide Accreditation. In 2022 Tour Guides Australia will launch micro-credential workshops for those new to industry to create famil ready Guides for Tour Operators.
Tour Guides Australia will also launch a Certified Organisation Membership for quality tourism businesses. This membership recognises in house training programs for the National accreditation of Guides, creating stronger connections for more effective collaboration across the industry.
President of Tour Guides Australia Jim McInerney says, “We have ambitious plans for the future that align to the Visitor Economy Strategy. However, our immediate priority is to ensure the industry recognises the value of accredited Guides and collaboratively share that message with domestic travellers. The gig economy also provides plenty of opportunities and challenges for the industry, where accredited and unaccredited people can promote services as a guide. It’s important for the quality of the visitor economy that across the industry, we recognise that accreditation equals quality and safety.”
Tour Guides Australia is aware of the challenges facing the visitor economy from a new or experienced Guides perspective. Our focus is to
• Promote National accreditation of Guides as a sign of quality and safety
• Collaborate to create training solutions that align with the needs of the industry
• Develop pathways for Guiding as a career into the broader visitor economy
Tour Guides Australia is delighted to have contributed to the proposed Visitor Economy
Survey and provide feedback on the current draft. We encourage our members and industry to review the policy and make a submission by 23 December 2021 via this link: