PRESS RELEASE: Ukraine – Why Vladimir Putin Will Not Win This War.

Ex military special forces soldier, Mario Bekes, suggests there’s no evidence to prove that the Russian invading force will be able to control Ukraine and its people. The reason is very simple, no-one, including the Ukrainian’s, want to be told what to do and how to behave by the the invading forces, while in their own motherland. 

Mario personally knows first-hand what this feels like from his years of fighting the communist Yugoslavia forces in the Croatian War of Independence in the 1990s. 

He believes the most common mistake made through history by invading forces is that they forget to take into account the love and passion the residents have for their own families and their country. 

“The Ukrainian’s will fight and defend their families, their wives, their children, their homes and their country. They will not give up!” says Mario. 

The Russian forces will not be able to predict how the Ukrainian’s will behave, retaliate and/or resist the invading forces. Even the commentators have analysed the Russian military’s operations and performance so far in Ukraine, in an effort to predict the outcome of this conflict without success. 

“In the two weeks of fighting so far, the Russian War Machine has suffered high losses including soldiers and military equipment,” says Mario. 

“As the Russian soldiers progress into urban areas of the Ukraine, they will use propaganda media and psychological influence on Ukrainian citizens into believing the Russian takeover is what’s needed for the country, and to accept all the medical aid in return for Ukrainian lives.

However, I personally witnessed a strong military power with its units unable to take control of smaller forces. Why? Because the less powerful fight with determination and refuse to give up, as their lives depend on them being successful. It’s a war fought with the mind in many cases. The soldiers miss their their children, their wives, their friends and are prepared to inflict greater pain making them a more formidable opponent. 

Like the previous 1990’s Croatian war, the Ukrainian soldiers will adapt to out perform their Russian counterparts. Remember, they are fighting on Ukrainian soil which gives them a massive advantage.

At some stage, hopefully soon, this war will come to an end and Ukraine will prevail. Together with the help of NATO, other world countries and the ever-increasing Russian sanctions, Ukraine will win this war.

There’s a saying, ‘War ends in either of three ways’. The invading forces win, the defending country wins or the war comes to a mutual end through negotiations.

As the Russian military move into more urban areas, the Ukrainian’s will try and utilise all types of weaponry to scare, disorientate and demobilise the Russian forces. Although urban warfare is horrific for all involved, the Ukrainian’s will out-perform and find ways to destabilise the Russian’s.” 

Finally, Mario Bekes knows what it’s like to be in Ukrainian shoes and how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has abruptly transformed the world. Two million people have already fled the Ukraine and perhaps a new Iron Curtain is being discussed. 

“My heart goes out to those as this economic war deepens, as the military conflict escalates and civilian casualties rise,” says Mario. 

About Mario Bekes:

Ex military special forces, a natural leader, public speaker, result driven, published book author, relationship-builder and facilitator with experience in investigative techniques and interviewing, interrogation methods, corporate human and competitive business intelligence.
Mario’s goal is to show you how to conduct a successful investigation in the workplace. This will include workers compensation claims, internal or external theft and as well how to protect your reputation and to analyse your competitors.
In my experience, there is nothing worse than worrying about how the investigation is conducted and how this investigation will impact the company’s reputation with the additional loss of customers and to how to manage whistleblowers.
Over the past 30 years I have conducted various types of investigation in government sectors, department of defence, department of foreign affairs, corporate and insurance sector in Australia and overseas applying my knowledge, expertise, academic research and training in investigative intelligence and investigative-interviewing techniques.
With proven investigative techniques and strategies from our analytical internal systems, you can stop worrying about the next investigation, insurance claim, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage and whistleblowers in your organisation.

Media Contacts:

Name: Mario BekesCompany: Insight Intelligence GroupEmail: Phone: 0488 121 720

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About Mario Bekes: Ex military special forces, a natural leader, public speaker, result driven, published book author, relationship-builder and facilitator with experience in investigative techniques and interviewing, interrogation methods, corporate human and competitive business intelligence. Mario’s goal is to show you how to conduct a successful investigation in the workplace. This will include workers compensation claims, internal or external theft and as well how to protect your reputation and to analyse your competitors. In my experience, there is nothing worse than worrying about how the investigation is conducted and how this investigation will impact the company’s reputation with the additional loss of customers and to how to manage whistleblowers. Over the past 30 years I have conducted various types of investigation in government sectors, department of defence, department of foreign affairs, corporate and insurance sector in Australia and overseas applying my knowledge, expertise, academic research and training in investigative intelligence and investigative-interviewing techniques. With proven investigative techniques and strategies from our analytical internal systems, you can stop worrying about the next investigation, insurance claim, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage and whistleblowers in your organisation.