PRESS RELEASE: WA Government ABANDONS the elderly! WA Supreme Court Judge turfs 70-year-old couple out on to the street!

Ray and Beryl Taylor are long-suffering victims of the Sterling First Tenancy Scam in Western Australia and are currently being turfed out into the street – homeless!
This is the third WA Supreme Court case involving tenants who purchased long-term leases over what they thought would be their home for the rest of their retirement years – a forever home.
The Supreme Court has now judged that these long-term leases were FAKE! The elderly homeowners who sold their homes to purchase these long-term leases on their forever home are the BIGGEST LOSERS!
SHOCKINGLY! It was Consumer Protection WA who endorsed this retirement scam known as “Sterling New Life”. The scheme was targeted to elderly homeowners and promoted as the “New Alternative for Homeowner Retirees”.
In Oct 2016, after receiving several complaints, Consumer Protection WA identified this ‘retirement alternative’ was breaching multiple aspects of WA legislation.
In Apr 2017, Consumer Protection WA noted that this ‘retirement alternative’ had the “hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme”.
In May 2017, Consumer Protection WA decided to renew the Real Estate and Business Agents’ licence to Sterling First which allowed the fraudulent business to continue, despite the product not complying with the Residential Tenancies Act and fully aware that Sterling First were BREACHING their obligation in accordance of the regulations of the REBA licence Act of WA.
Consumer Protection WA were also fully aware at this time that the Sterling First advertising and promotional marketing was deceptive and misleading.
By renewing the REBA licence to Sterling First it endorsed the continuance of the fraudulent and FAKE leases to continue to be sold to unsuspecting elderly consumers for a further two years until the whole scam collapsed in May 2019! Consumer Protection WA were the only ones who had the knowledge that these leases DID NOT COMPLY with WA legislation! They FAILED to warn the public about the dangers of these FAKE leases!
Five years later and the victims have accumulated a file of evidence obtained through FOI to prove that Consumer Protection WA, who were supposed to have been protecting the consumers, were indeed protecting the fraudulent business model and the perpetrators of this crime.
The WA Police and Fraud Squad REFUSE to investigation this WA-based crime, a grand theft of $18 million.
Shamefully, the WA Labor Government, under Mark McGowan and now Roger Cook, are still trying desperately to cover this scandal up! WA Government have turned their backs on these elderly victims, fobbing this scandal off as a failed “investment” scheme! Our documents prove otherwise.
Disgracefully, the WA Labor Government have done nothing to assist these victims; on the contrary, exponentiating the suffering of these elderly people. Some have committed suicide whilst many are suffering severe physical and mental health issues as a result of this total neglect.
The WA Government has BLOOD ON ITS HANDS!
The WA Government is a NATIONAL DISGRACE in its treatment of elderly WA citizens!
Ray and Beryl Taylor, who have been fighting this case for five years and who were once homeowners, are now facing the reality of homeless. They were given 30 days to vacate the home they thought would last them for the rest of their lives. The WA Government has not even offered to assist to find them an alternative home to move to!
The WA government is sitting on nearly $4 billion in surplus. The tenants’ losses amount to $18 million. What a DASTARDLY way to treat elderly citizens of WA, whereby Consumer Protection WA were aiding and abetting this Sterling First crime and protecting the criminals, not consumers!

Media Contacts:

Name: Carolyn ReadCompany: Sterling First Lobby GroupEmail: Phone: 0414850437


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    STERLING FIRST VICTIMS CALLING FOR JUSTICE SINCE MAY 2019. Please support our efforts. Elderly Victims of Ponzi Scams and Regulatory Negligence by ASIC in all States of Australia.