PRESS RELEASE: YAL scholarships for disadvantaged young Australians for 2022 Academic Year – Closing next week – Tuesday 31 August

Are you a young Australian needing financial assistance to achieve your academic dreams, or do you know a student needing support to do this? YAL scholarship applications are closing at midnight Tuesday 31 August 2021 for the 2022 academic year, for eligible students nationally aged between 12 and 25.So there is still time to apply via the simple online application process at .
YAL scholarships allow secondary and tertiary level students experiencing disadvantage to continue and succeed in their education. YAL recognises that disadvantage comes in many forms; social, economic, geographic, challenges with disabilities or family situations that can result in young people struggling at school or university. The scholarship program can be adapted to the requirements of each individual recipient to maximise the opportunities for their academic success.
“For example, COVID has created some unique impacts. Last year we had applicants asking for assistance to access and pay for a good internet connection so they didn’t accrue a massive “data debt” by hot-spotting to their phones. Their plans not designed to support the needs of remote learning. Others were seeking assistance to access mental health support to help them continue with their studies on a very difficult year. These are just two examples of how YAL Scholarships are very different to others on offer – flexible in relation individual needs and those that arise unexpectedly in the community. “ said YAL CEO Tammy-Rae Schaper.
“Funds have been used for traditional things like tuition fees, school uniforms, books and IT equipment, but also training an assistant dog and providing transport to and from university for a student with physical disabilities. Feedback from previous YAL scholarship recipients lets us know every year that the opportunity to realise their full academic or skills potential has had a hugely positive and lasting impact on their lives.”
The nine scholarships, worth up to $8,000 annually, range from one to two years and are open to young people experiencing disadvantage who are Australian Citizens or have permanent residency in Australia. Their program of study must be undertaken in a recognised educational institute in Australia including secondary schools, universities, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and Vocational Education Training (VET) providers nationally. Four scholarships are open to national applicants, five to Western Australians, and one is for Indigenous students.
In addition to the financial support, YAL offers a mentoring program where previous recipients are matched with new ones adding another layer of support to them along their academic and life journey. As an organisation we like to stay connected to our recipients, to share their successes and support them during their challenges, to let them know how much we are invested in both their academic and personal success.
“Mia Hunt was one of our first recipients and is in her third year as a committee member on our Educational Advisory and Grants Committee that judges the scholarship applications. Mia came to YAL as a young carer from Albany struggling with the costs of living remotely, and being a full-time young carer for a friend with Spinal Muscular Atrophy while trying to complete her final year of her undergraduate university degree. She is now 30, working at South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc as the Dieback Project Officer, and has been a mentor in our mentor program for two years. She proudly advocates for the YAL scholarship program and the difference it has made in her life and the lives of many other young people, Ms Schaper said.
The YAL scholarship program, now in its seventh year has supported 41 young recipients with a combined value of funds of more than $350,000. Since 2014 YAL have partnered with corporate groups and private donors that have allowed the expansion of the scholarship program. More information and scholarship application forms at
About YAL: YAL is one of Western Australia’s oldest youth organisations founded in 1905 by John Joseph (J.J.) “Boss” Simons to develop and promote the ideals of love, service and tolerance in the lives of young people. The not-for-profit organisation has an extensive history of training and mentoring young people throughout its 114-year history by connecting young people and creating opportunities for them through sponsoring local sporting teams and clubs. Former WA Premiers Sir Charles Court and Geoff Gallop were members of the YAL.
Media contact: Tracy Routledge TR PR – [email protected] or 0412 223 221
Please refer to the following list of scholarships, and this video for more insight into the unique ways YAL is supporting disadvantaged young Australians.
2021 YAL Scholarships offered for 2022 Academic year
YAL Lower Secondary Scholarship (Years 7-9)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $4,000 over 2 years ($2,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be an Australian Resident attending secondary school.
YAL Upper Secondary Scholarship (Years 10-12)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $6,000 over 2 years ($3,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be an Australian Resident attending secondary school.
YAL Post-Secondary Scholarship
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $8,000 over 2 years ($4,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be an Australian Resident attending post-secondary education.
YAL & Hilary Farrant Scholarship for students with disabilities Post-Secondary Scholarship
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $8,000 over 2 years ($4,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be an Australian Resident, be living with a disability attending post-secondary education.
YAL & Schiavello Systems WA Upper Secondary Scholarship for Indigenous Students (Years 10-12)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $6,000 over 2 years ($3,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be an Indigenous student attending secondary school.
YAL & the Harrison Family Trust Upper Secondary Scholarship (Years 10-12)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $6,000 over 2 years ($3,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must live in Armadale and attending secondary school.
YAL Members Rural or Remote Upper Secondary Scholarship (Years 10-12)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $6,000 over 2 years ($3,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be an Australian Resident attending secondary school in a rural or remote area.
YAL & City of Wanneroo Upper Secondary Scholarship (Years 10-12)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $6,000 over 2 years ($3,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be a resident of the City of Wanneroo and attending secondary school.
YAL & City of Swan Lower Secondary Scholarship (Years 7-9)
The recipient will receive a scholarship worth a total of $4,000 over 2 years ($2,000 p/a). To be eligible for this scholarship you must be a resident of a City of Swan and attending secondary school.