PRESS RELEASE: International Call for Rainmaking


International call for rainmaking

A Sydney woman, who recently witnessed the devastation of the ongoing drought in country NSW, is calling for an international day of rainmaking on October 20.

South African-born Margie Hare said she was shocked by the impact of the ‘big dry’ seeing huge tracts of land with four or five sheep where previously flocks had been grazing beyond the Great Dividing Range.

“I was so upset and heart sore from a recent trip to Tamworth and Manilla in rural NSW, I have decided to spearhead a conscious movement called Collective Rain Call.”

“Our farmers are suffering. Once arable land is now nothing, but a dust bowl and farmers are being forced to reduce their stock levels. Some farmers are choosing to leave their land.”

“I am hearing the incidence of anxiety, depression and mental illness is testing their resilience. For some, taking their own life feels like the only option.”

Margie, who has lived in Australia for the past 23 years, feels deeply connected to the land. She is a keen organic gardener and has her own You Tube channel with 12,000 international followers. She will launch a ‘Collective Rain Call’ asking different peoples from around the world to dance, pray, sing and call for rain at 9am AEST on October 20.

“I have vivid memories of living in South Africa where the black women in the farming communities would often dance and sing for rain.’

“Our world is in crisis. There are drought regions in many parts of the world. We can standby and do nothing or we can unite different cultures around the world with this international call for rain,” explained Margie.

“In the cities we are oblivious to the plight of rural Australians.”

Few Australians recognize that suicide affecting farmers has reached epidemic proportions according to the 2015 report by the Centre for International Economics in Canberra.
Every year there are 20 – 23 suicide deaths per 100,000 in rural Australia compared to 10 in the city. The more remote, the higher the occurrence. This mental health crisis affects five times as many farmers as non-farmers, according to the report.

New South Wales has just recorded the fifth driest July on record. Reuters report “the worst drought in living memory”. Currently 61% of New South Wales and 65% of Queensland is in drought.

Margie is an organic gardener teaching people how to grow healthy food all over the world via her YouTube channel as well as on-site training and workshops here in Australia. The collective conscious call for rain will take place on 20th October 2019 at 9am Australian Eastern Standard Time, anywhere in the world. A guided visualization meditation for the event can be downloaded as a PDF free of charge from

This Press release was prepared by Margie Hare. For further comments please contact:
Nature Health [email protected] 0407187159
P.O. Box 3167
North Willoughby
NSW 2068