PRESS RELEASE: BidPixel is offering $50,000 in advertising budget in return for your tough questions

There is a growing trend with ad agencies in Australia with some of the smaller privately owned media buying agencies scaling the growth of lesser-known brands into household names that are commanding larger market shares then behemoth retailer’s could have ever predicted.

These brands are so niched down and targeting their ideal customers with such precision that unless you are in the market for what they are offering, you wouldn’t know who they are. It’s this hyper-targeted and agile brand growth that is possibly responsible for the direct downturn of big box outlets. Smaller brands are becoming big in their customers’ eyes.

With the SMI index registering November 2019 as the 15th consecutive month of decline for the media agency-funded market, one has to wonder just where the sales are getting attributed to for one of the busiest times of year?

A perfect example of this would be Infamous Swim, a Victorian-based swimwear brand run out of a family home. During the November/December rush of Christmas shoppers, they were able to sell well over $500,000 in womens and childrens swimwear, to people in the market for swimwear. These online shoppers would have once spent their money in a highstreet store or big box department outlet.

The trendsetters of the up and coming eCommerce sector in Australia are an assemblage of Shopify wielding mumpreneurs and corporate rat-race exitees looking to design a life lived at home with an income derived from selling online.

BidPixel is capturing this growing sector with open arms and is surprisingly giving the industry more value than it is looking to take in return.

The thing with media buying agencies is; they either play their cards close to their chest– just what is the breakdown of ad spend to management fee?– or, as BidPixel has cottoned onto, the realisation that giving 80% of their knowledge is actually gaining trust and scaling spending faster.

In light of this epiphany, BidPixel is currently running an outlandish internal promotion wherein they are swapping some of the toughest marketing and advertising questions in return for $50,000 in cash to go towards either Facebook or Google advertising.

All entrants need to do is ask a tough marketing or advertising question in the comments of any piece of content on either BidPixel’s Instagram account or Youtube channel followed by registering their intent to go in the draw via entering their details on BidPixel’s website.

The BidPixel team will then answer the questions asked in subsequent episodes of their VLOG and podcast, giving the questionee a shoutout and linking to their social profiles where possible.

The motives behind this campaign are crafty and strategic, BidPixel’s co-founder Dave Granfield had this to say, “Marketing is one big transaction of swapping time for attention. We genuinely want to help our growing community of eCommerce store owners and marketing managers by providing expert opinions on their tough or unanswered questions. The silver lining for us is that we are able to bolster our own content marketing strategy with real questions that need to be understood by our target market. The thing is though, when we are asking for these questions, we need to dig deep and provide enough value to warrant them taking the time to reach out to us. We’ve crafted this chance to win $50,000 in ad spend as a big, bold carrot to incentivise the questions to roll in.”

For details on how to enter the competition for yourself, head to

To ask a question, all you need to do is:

Subscribe to and ask a question on the agency’s Youtube channel, or
Follow and ask a question on the agency’s Instagram account
Terms and conditions of the promotion can be found at
The Promoter is BidPixel Pty Ltd (ABN 70 627 369 466) of Suite 30404/9 Lawson Street, Southport, QLD 4215. Authorised Under: NSW Permit No. LTPS/19/40346.