PRESS RELEASE: An act of Poiltical Bastardry


10th September, 2021

Prime Minister Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese have sneakily colluded in a cynical attempt to destroy minor parties and Australian democracy, according to the leader of Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party.

‘This is a disgraceful, cynical rort. They have colluded to wipe out small parties and crossbenchers before the next federal election’, Derryn Hinch said.

‘It truly is an exercise in political bastardry. Under the new legislation they snuck through the Senate any party must prove to have at least 1500 members. Currently it is 500. And we have just been told by the Australian Electoral Commission that, despite Covid-19 lockdowns, we must produce the list by December 2. It is a farce.

‘The sick joke is that if you are a sitting member of Parliament you don’t have to provide proof. That’s why Clive Palmer bought Craig Kelly.’

Hinch said he will get the extra numbers to thwart the Liberal/Labor plan. ‘We still have unfinished business: the public sex offender register, aged care ratios, weak judges and animal welfare. I intend to stand for a Victorian Senate seat at the next election.’

Hinch said he should not be surprised at any election shenanigans.
‘I was elected for six years and Turnbull and Shorten connived to turn it into three which was legally possible but morally wrong.’

Media contact: Annette Philpott
0401 808 484

Media Contacts:

Name: Annette PhilpottCompany: Derryn HinchEmail: Phone: Annette Philpott 0401 808 484

About Derryn Hinch