PRESS RELEASE: Australian Government commits to global environmental leadership

Government recycling laws have just passed the senate and it is big news for Australian tyre recycling technology.
The new recycling laws bring in a waste export ban to Australia.
We can no longer ship our plastics, tyres, paper, glass and cardboard to other regions. Our waste is now our responsibility.
In support of this new legislation, the Federal Government has announced the Recycling Modernisation Fund of $190 million.
This will involve the State Governments, Federal Government and Private Business each contributing a third each to Recycling projects.
Green Distillation Technologies (GDT) is ideally placed to participate in this initiative and solve the problem of End of Life Tyres (ELTs) piling up in Australia
GDT has achieved an Australian world technological breakthrough by effectively and profitably recycling ELTs into saleable commodities of oil, carbon and steel.
GDT is the key player in managing tyre waste in Australia and around the world and is now exporting world-first technology to like-minded countries.

“This is an exciting next step for Australia and the world. It takes significant change to drive growth and this change now positions GDT at the forefront of profitably managing end of life tyres in this country, and around the world” Said Craig Dunn, CEO – Green Distillation Technologies.
This Australian technology is world-leading and GDT is exporting its know-how to the USA, UK and other countries.
Just in Australia, *476,000+ tons or 56 million (equivalent Passenger Units) of ELT is disposed of each year. It is estimated that only 1 in 10 end of life tyres have been recycled in Australia. This is all about to change.
“It is fantastic to be able to use Australian smarts to re-purpose end of life tyres into fuel oil and return the carbon and steel for use in BlueScope steel. Our export markets are also delivering a global environmental benefit, right here from Melbourne,” said Dunn.
Tyre manufacturers and importers will now have to take responsibility for end-of-life tyres.
GDT is now working with leading tyre brands and Government to deliver the best outcome for our planet’s future. Partnerships like this are key to cleanly recycling ELTs and delivering saleable products to markets locally and overseas.
Source *

• The Sydney Opera House weighs 161,000 tons, so Australia alone uses nearly three Opera Houses in weight, of tyres, every year.
• Old tyres are often disposed of illegally or end up in landfill
• A typical 10 kg car tyre will yield 3.6 litres of oil, 4.7kg of carbon and 1.95kg of steel.
• A 70kg truck tyre will provide 24.8 litres of oil, 32.8 kg of carbon, 13.7kg of steel.
• The oil can be used as a heating fuel, direct into some stationary diesel engines or is capable of further refinement into automotive or aviation fuels.
• The carbon is a high-grade product that can replace those sourced from fossil fuels, with the carbon and steel currently going to BlueScope Steel, for reuse.
• The GDT process is not only emission-free, but the recycled oil is used as the heat source for the GDT production process.
• One GDT tyre recycling plant can process about 685,000 tyres per year (assuming an average mix of car and truck tyres). This equates to approximately 19,300 tons of end-of-life tyres, recycled into oil, carbon and steel.
• GDT is fully operational with an existing plant in Warren, Western NSW
• More information is available on request or visit

Media requests contact Travis Atkins, [email protected] Ph: +61 (0)417 329 138

Media Contacts:

Name: Travis AtkinsCompany: Green Distillation TechnologiesEmail: Phone: +61 417 329 138

About Green Distillation Technologies

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Green Distillation Technologies is an unlisted Australian public company formed to solve the problem of dealing with billions of old tyres. GDT has developed an innovative technology that converts tyres back into carbon, oil and steel, without producing emissions.