PRESS RELEASE: Happy International Womens Day from IMD

The International Men’s Day team congratulates the women of the world on the 112th celebration of International Women’s Day, which started in 1911. Two years ago, in 2021 the theme we celebrated for International Men’s Day was, “better relations between men and women.” This is still one of our core objectives.

Please make sure you thank and appreciate the women in your life on 8 March by saying. “Happy International Women’s Day!

Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 90 countries worldwide, International Men’s Day (IMD) is gaining great momentum. One of the six pillars of International Men’s Day is: “To focus on men’s health and wellbeing: social, emotional, physical, and spiritual.” In this light, the theme for IMD 2023 is “Zero Male Suicide”

Whilst just over 2 in 3 suicides on a worldwide basis are men let us work together to bring the suicide rate down for both men and women. We can do this together by observing “World Suicide Prevention Day 10 September 2023.

An Australian report titled, “Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour in Women – Issues and Prevention” says, ‘Women have higher rates of suicidal behaviour, i.e. ideation, planning and suicide attempts compared to men and when suicide mortality and morbidity are combined it has a large impact on public health in Australia and internationally.’

Warwick Marsh IMD web coordinator said, “Men must help women who are so discouraged and depressed that they want to take their own life. We also ask women to do the same for men. Together we can bring hope and healing to the human race. So on 8 March, let us greet everyone with a smile and the words, ‘Happy International Women’s Day.’”

Dr Jerome Teelucksingh, founder of International Men’s Day, from Trinidad & Tobago said, ““International Men’s Day has the potential to become the global medium to heal our world. The concept and themes of International Men’s Day are designed to give hope to the depressed, faith to the lonely, comfort to the broken-hearted, transcend barriers, eliminate stereotypes and create a more caring humanity.

I and the team at International Men’s Day believe now is the time to honour our daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, grandmothers and our female friends by wishing them Happy International Women’s Day.”

For interview contact:
Warwick Marsh: 61 418 225 212
Dr Jerome Teelucksingh email: [email protected]

Media Contacts:

Name: Warwick MarshCompany: International Mens DayEmail: Phone: 61 418225212

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On November 19, International Men’s Day celebrates worldwide the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities. We highlight positive role models and raise awareness of men’s well-being. Our theme for 2023 is “Zero Male Suicide”. Together we can stop male suicide.