PRESS RELEASE: In this Mental Health Awareness week let’s talk about how stressed managers add stress to the workplace – Enable your Middle Managers

In the midst of Mental Health Awareness Week, Relate-U-cation shines a spotlight on a critical yet often overlooked aspect of business success: the well-being of middle managers. These unsung heroes straddle two worlds—the demands of top-level business leaders and the needs of their teams at the grassroots level. But what happens when the lines blur, and stress creeps in?

The problem is that there’s an obvious skills gap. Corporate training manuals tend to focus on hard skills—metrics, processes, and technical proficiency. Yet, the soft skills—empathy, conflict management, and team dynamics—are equally vital. Relate-U-cation recognizes this gap and offers a unique formula for success: nurturing connected, engaged, and caring relationships. It’s not just about ticking off tasks; it’s about leading with purpose.

The foundation of any successful organization lies in its people. And at the heart of a healthy workplace? The mental health of its managers. Bad managers drain talent and resources, while likable, engaged leaders boost employee retention rates. It’s a simple equation: invest in your managers, and you’ll reap the rewards.

Middle managers have to navigate a middle ground which can be stressful as they walk a tightrope. They must maintain operational standards while juggling diverse teams in an ever-evolving work landscape—whether in the office or a hybrid model. The pressure to please both bosses and team members can lead to confusion and stress.

“Studies show that stress leads to incivility in the workplace and bosses who do not demonstrate compassion are a major contributing factor to the reasons for people quitting their jobs,” says Relate-U-cation’s Valerie Lew Kiedrowski. “Our training programs focus on building healthy relationships, and are built around the idea that there is no more ‘us’ versus ‘them’, only ‘we’. Stress breeds incivility, and compassion matters. Clear communication, constructive feedback, and achievable goals—these are the cornerstones of success.

Leadership is more than metrics, and success isn’t just about hitting targets; it’s about embodying empathy, relatability, and approachability. Gallup surveys confirm that employee well-being directly impacts organizational resilience and performance. When leaders invest in mental health and self-awareness programs, they foster healthier work environments and reduce turnover.

There is a ripple effect – managers lacking essential skills directly impact workplace stress. Without the right elements in place, morale plummets, and performance suffers. Relate-U-cation’s training programs facilitate real conversations, accountability, and harmony. It’s time to empower our middle managers—the linchpins of workplace well-being.

Media Contacts:

Name: Valerie Lew-KiedrowskiCompany: Relate-U-cationEmail: Phone: 0448322772

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Everything we do at Relate-U-cation® is focused on enhancing business relationships and fostering strong organizational cultures. Our core philosophy centres around the belief that people are key to business success, emphasizing the importance of relationships within teams and organizations. No More Us vs Them, Only We. Achieving Better Business RESULTS through Better Business RELATIONSHIPS