PRESS RELEASE: Open-Home Danger, Seller Security Finally Addressed

For Immediate Release

Australia, 21st November 2023 – Open Home Security and Personal Protection now pose the most significant risks to the real estate industry. In response, Security Checked is proud to unveil the ultimate solution, offering bulletproof reassurance to every home seller and agent. This ensures that every person entering a home for sale has undergone accurate identity verification.

The Real Estate Industry Security Shortfall

The real estate industry has failed in its duty of care to home sellers by neglecting security vulnerabilities. Presently, individuals can enter any property for sale using unchecked contact details. Disguised as potential buyers, opportunistic thieves aim to steal valuables or survey homes, returning later as intruders. This open and trusting approach to property viewing poses a substantial threat to sellers and the future owners of these properties. Until now, the industry lacked a reliable system for accurate identity verification, exposing homeowners to increased risk and harm.

Agents Under Scrutiny

Today, real estate agents are on the frontline of a growing crisis. As economic pressures rise and crime rates surge across Australia, homeowners looking to sell their properties face an increased risk. Addressing homeowner safety and security vulnerability is crucial for all realtors, as most insurance policies do not accept claims when the culprit is invited into the home. Consequently, the agent and agency become liable for theft and damage.

Security Checked: The Solution

Security Checked introduces a ground-breaking solution that eliminates this vulnerability, ensuring that everyone entering a home is precisely who they claim to be. This foolproof system benefits both buyers and sellers. For a security-checked buyer, entering an open house is now a rapid and seamless process, eliminating the need to reveal contact details in front of strangers or wait while agents add attendee information to a database. Security Checked buyers can also track the properties they view and provide contactless feedback to agents. Verification lasts 12 months and costs only $14.95, with buyers uploading 100 points of ID documentation. Once verified, buyers receive a unique QR code. To gain entry to any open house across Australia, buyers simply present this code for agents to scan.

Benefits Amplified

Once homeowners understand the risks of the current unchecked system of allowing strangers to enter their homes, they will rightly demand that agents deny access to unverified attendees.
Security Checked fortifies client protection and is free for licensed real estate agents and property sellers. The stamp of approval from real estate professionals and security experts firmly cements Security Checked as the new Professional Standard to keep clients and their families and possessions safe.

Service Feedback

Merryl Johnson – As an independent woman who lives alone, I wasn’t comfortable with the thought of strangers in my home wandering around. When my agent suggested we restrict entry to only allow buyers who have been “Security Checked,” it brought me an immediate sense of relief.
Karen Fisher – As a buyer, attending Open Homes is now so easy; the agent scans my QR code off my phone, and that’s it. I never liked calling out my name and phone number with strangers behind me. I understand that a Property Expert brought Security Checked in to keep homeowners safe, but as a buyer, I now feel safer, too!
Bill Davies – I’ve got a lot of valuable electronic equipment that I can’t relocate for every viewing. Opting to limit entry to buyers who have been Security Checked was an obvious choice; if someone isn’t prepared to undergo verification, then I have no interest in them being in my home regardless.

About Security Checked

Security Checked is revolutionising security protocols within the real estate industry. Our mission is to guarantee the authenticity of every individual entering a seller’s home and to provide current and future homeowners with unparalleled peace of mind. With our innovative verification system, we are determined to eliminate vulnerabilities, enhance safety, and usher in a new era of real estate security.
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Security Checked
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Media Contacts:

Name: Michael CooryCompany: Security CheckedEmail: Phone: +64279179000


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We are Promoting Trust Through Robust Identity Verification. In a world where security is essential, knowing that the people you're dealing with are who they claim to be is crucial. Our mission is to enhance security by making it more challenging for criminals to operate. We accomplish this by implementing a thorough 100-point security check that enables individuals to assert ownership over their identities. This comprehensive approach bolsters personal security and creates a safer and more trustworthy environment for everyone involved. Real estate agents have always faced the challenge of verifying the true identity of potential buyers. "Security Checked" is here to provide a protective shield for homeowners and address this verification gap. This guarantees that every individual stepping into your property is undeniably who they claim to be, ushering in a new level of safety and assurance for agents and homeowners.