PRESS RELEASE: Swapping helps United Nations achieve Sustainable Development Goals

We live in a world where we own enough “stuff”. All this “stuff” lives side by side in a world of poverty and waste. We throw out so many things whilst people are starved of experiences and opportunities that this “stuff” could have provided. What is the way out of this cycle of waste? What if we swapped and redistributed what is already in circulation, rather than producing more.
In 2015 the UN published the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. A new online swapping platform called SwapU has taken the lead and is assisting swappers to address 5 of the 17 SDG’s. Swapping can help to decrease poverty, reduce inequality, assist sustainable development, promote responsible consumption and climate action. Sounds a little too good to be true but think about it, who wouldn’t benefit from a fairer distribution of the world’s resources?
Claire Bell, Recycling Campaign Manager at Planet Ark stated, “We recognise that swapping saves people money and decreases waste, aligning with the Planet Ark message. We can see the real-world use of (your) swapping platform.”
So, if you have something around the house that you can’t sell but you know someone else might like, then swap it. Use the value that lies in your dormant goods and start swapping today. Swap a car for a motorbike, a phone for a stereo or a bike for a canoe. Who knows, swapping could be the new online shopping.