PRESS RELEASE: UniPhi Software Revolutionizes Complex Project Management at Drive Engineering

Drive Engineering, a premier project engineering company based in Queensland, has successfully navigated the challenges of managing large-scale infrastructure projects with the support of UniPhi’s innovative project management software. The collaboration, detailed in a recent case study, showcases the power of UniPhi in streamlining project lifecycles and providing crucial automation features.

Founded in 2011 by Director Paul McCormack, Drive Engineering specializes in the infrastructure sector, undertaking intricate projects primarily for the Queensland Government. Their team of highly skilled civil engineers is renowned for delivering infrastructure upgrades and construction rebuilds. Two of their key engineers, Robin Vogrincic and Karl Rawnsley, had a decade-long relationship with UniPhi before joining Drive Engineering, solidifying a foundation of trust and open communication.

As Drive Engineering undertook more complex infrastructure projects by 2020, the need for robust project management software became apparent. Robin Vogrincic approached UniPhi as they secured the major M1 ‘Watland Street to Sport Drive’ project valued at over $265M with the Queensland Government. UniPhi also played a pivotal role in the estimated $45M Pacific Highway M1 Exit 41 project led by Karl Rawnsley. UniPhi’s ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously on the same platform without data corruption proved essential.

UniPhi’s cloud-based, mobile Software as a Service (SaaS) product for project and portfolio management offered an integrative and configurable solution. The software’s modules, customizable functionality, and capabilities catered to the intricate needs of complex projects in both private and government sectors.

The initial deployment focused on contract management, including progress claims, document control, registers, EOTs, RFIs, variations, and more. UniPhi’s quick implementation, aided by in-house experience and collaboration with UniPhi key contact Simon Day, addressed immediate needs. As the project progressed, additional functions were seamlessly integrated, supporting contract management, document control, cost management, and in-field surveillance services.

Innovation through Feedback
During a feedback session initiated by UniPhi, Karl Rawnsley highlighted a labor-intensive progress claim administrative task related to Queensland’s BIFA Act 2017. UniPhi, receptive to client needs, swiftly addressed the issue. The challenge involved manually entering hundreds of items per claim per month, taking up to 12 hours due to the project’s size and complexity. UniPhi developers expanded the import routine to include the “reason,” resolving the issue within a week.

UniPhi’s client engagement strategy, combined with the longstanding relationship with Drive Engineering, facilitated an efficient initial deployment. The latest automation feature, addressing the progress claim challenge, resulted in substantial time and cost savings for Drive Engineering. Karl Rawnsley praised the new import feature, highlighting its legislative compliance and significant time savings.

The outcomes achieved through data automation, collaboration, and swift responsiveness include time and cost savings, redirected productivity, prompt progress claim submissions and payments, transparency, quality control, and improved accuracy in data. Drive Engineering commended UniPhi for receiving and acting on their feedback, expressing gratitude for over a decade of partnership.

For media inquiries, please contact:
[email protected] – Marketing Manager UniPhi (Aus) Pty Ltd

[email protected] – Adminstrative Representative and Interviewee at Drive Engineering

[email protected] – CEO UniPhi (Aus) Pty Ltd

About UniPhi
UniPhi is a leading provider of cloud-based project and portfolio management software, empowering organizations to streamline complex projects and enhance collaboration. With a commitment to innovation and client success, UniPhi delivers solutions tailored to the unique needs of construction and infrastructure sectors.

About Drive Engineering
Drive Engineering, founded in 2011, is a Queensland-based project engineering company specializing in large and complex infrastructure projects for the Queensland Government. With a team of highly skilled civil engineers, Drive Engineering is dedicated to delivering excellence in infrastructure upgrades and construction rebuilds.

Media Contacts:

Name: Karen HeathCompany: UniPhi (Aus) Pty LtdEmail: Phone: 0422788149

About UniPhi (Aus) Pty Ltd

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UniPhi Australia produces innovative web and mobile based solutions to alleviate the pressure and provide greater real time clarity for an organisation to effectively manage their portfolio of projects. The significant benefits are; reducing administration overheads, improving time, cost, and resource management supporting effective roll out and tracking of complex and major projects. UniPhi functions as both a commercial management and project controls tool. UniPhi's team has signifcant knowledge of the industry sector requirements it supports to enable quick deployment of the system with robust processes for the key client requirements. UniPhi enables effective collaboration of the project team at any level, with a tiered user pricing structure and PCG reporting capabilities. At an executive level UniPhi provides customised reporting capabilities with dashboard functionality, facilitates contract management that limproves communication and informaiton sharing between contractors, engineers and their relevant PCGs or CSPM teams. More simply put all stakesholders are uniformly updated in real time. A final key feature is it's capacity to reduce "software clutter" by being the multi functional software tool to remove many other programs and interface with remaining required programs such as accounting software. UniPhi becomes the "Project Bible of Truth" across that entire project requirements from Risk to Compliance to Costs etc. UniPhi software includes: A core web application covering all modules integrated into one simple user interface Mobile apps for Android and iOS enable remote access to documents and issues Plugins to the Microsoft Office suite including MS Outlook Integration with a variety of applications including Accounting, CRM and PM Systems This range of functionality presented through a cloud based architecture that allows for anywhere access (including offline through mobile apps) frees up time and space to work wherever they need to be and are most productive.