PRESS RELEASE: Father Bob’s “Bob Keeper” Emergency Appeal

‘Bob Keeper’ is the Father Bob Maguire Foundation’s latest urgent Call To Action.

Father Bob is out to help families and kids going to school with no food, clothes or books because their parents have been let go from work or will be in dire need as jobkeeper has been stopped.

The Father Bob Maguire Foundation is on the frontline of poverty going beyond meeting people’s immediate, basic needs to lasting, sustainable change.

Due to COVID-19, the past 2 years for demands on the foundation’s resources have grown exponentially. Many families are in desperate need of supporting their children with learning educational tools. The foundation has received unprecedented demand from families doing it tough.

The ‘Pantry and Warehouse’, Port Melbourne, is providing 1,120 meals a week, also including the provision of groceries and hygiene products daily with a new pantry opened in Broadmeadows.

The ‘Digital Poverty’ program continues to do amazing work, with providing STEM education to marginalised children.

During these tough times the common denomination is we stick together.
There has been no more greater urgency than now for all clubs, all religions, all nationalities to support each other.

The Father Bob Maguire Foundation is now calling on community support to help those in our community who are struggling.

With battling families already struggling with financial hardship and in stability at home, vulnerable primary and secondary age students living in the housing community are facing tough challenges.

Couples are dealing with anxiety due to job losses from COVID-19, social, mental and physical challenges with staying indoors in confined spaces, fear and uncertainty is leading to problematic behaviours in children, carers and parents.

“Australia should not be in this position, we must work out that we are a Common-Wealth, by working together, leaving no one behind. As my favourite Melbourne Shrine statue, from Fromelles says, “Don’t forget me Cobber,” Father Bob said.

“We want a Commonwealth of Compassionate Neighbourhoods”.


For media enquiries and interview information please contact:
Nick Christoforou, Media Officer
The Father Bob Maguire Foundation.
Mobile: 0450 650 369
Email: [email protected]

Adam Taia, PR Officer
Mobile: 0414 919 829
Email: [email protected]

Media Contacts:

Name: Adam TaiaCompany: mycauseEmail: Phone: 0414919829


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